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  1. 这一方法分两步使试样达全干。

    There are two steps in the method to dry samples .

  2. 他用两块糖使他的咖啡变甜。

    He sweetened his coffee with two lumps of sugar .

  3. 它们形成两力偶使杆弯曲。

    They form two end couples to cause the bar to bend .

  4. 论两宋使北诗

    Discussion on the Poetry Written by Ambassador to North of the Two Songs

  5. 他的提议在两方面使人失望。

    His proposals disappointed on two important counts .

  6. 我在驾驶考试中两次使汽车熄火,但仍设法通过了考试。

    I stalled the car twice during my driving test but still managed to pass .

  7. 两个使工作有趣的主要因素,一是需要运用技巧,二是有建设性。

    Two chief elements make work interesting : first , the exercise of skill , and second , construction .

  8. 在300周年庆典展览使他为更广泛的公众所关注之前,有两个人使弗米尔的名字为人所知。

    Before the tercentenary exhibition brought him to wider public attention , Vermeer had been drawn from obscurity by two men .

  9. 我首先要感谢你们两个使我的生活更轻松了,压力减轻了。

    Can I start by saying thank you both so much for helping to make my life feel lighter and less stressful .

  10. 这两个使中国电影被世界关注的人已经在一起合作十二年了!

    The pair who opened the world 's eyes to Chinese cinema , together for the first time in a dozen years !

  11. 他发送提图斯和另外两个使集合,并删除所有的理由,诽谤他是充实自己。

    He sends Titus and two others to make the collections and to remove all grounds of calumny that he was enriching himself .

  12. 我的两位使神,请你用你们的神力来帮助我开阔天空,衍生大地吧!

    Two of my make God , you use your divine power to help me open sky , the earth derived from it !

  13. 所以应从社会政策和农民工自身努力两方面使农民工摆脱贫困。

    Therefore , social policies , as well as the migrant workers'own efforts , should be responsilbe for helping the migrant workers out of poverty .

  14. 球形接触器的球面与底座之间设置至少两个使电流导通的移动支杆。

    At least two moving supporting rods which make the electric current conduct are provided between the spherical surface of the spherical contactor and the base .

  15. 可别当面考,老先生,我可以查着字典干,这一门半可以当两门使。

    But don 't test me right here , kind sir . I 'm fine with the dictionary , my one and a half become two .

  16. 企业如何对现有组织结构进行改造,如何培养自身的合作能力,这是两个使企业走向虚拟企业并参与动态联盟的关键问题。

    How to reform the present structure and how to develop its cooperative ability are two essential problems for enterprises to be virtual and to participate in dynamic union .

  17. 两宋使北诗是中国古代诗歌史上,在特定的历史背景下应运而生的新的诗歌题材。

    The poetry written by ambassador to North of the two Songs , is a new poetry theme which produced under a particular history background in poetry history of ancient China .

  18. 那两任丈夫使我受尽地狱般的煎熬。

    Those two husbands put me through hell .

  19. 这两项事实使反对绞刑的理由更加充分。

    Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging

  20. (2)makeitbetter让……更好我已经重写了最后两段以使它更好。

    I 'd rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better .

  21. 但是,有两个原因使我决定在Web安装工程中执行功能替换

    However , there were two reasons why I decided to implement this functionality in a Web Setup Project instead

  22. 细胞自动机(CA)固有的两个特征使之适于复杂的城市系统模拟研究。

    Cellular automata ( CA ) have two characteristics make them inherently attractive for application to complex urban systems simulation .

  23. 这两种结构使LNA获得了很好的宽带性能。

    These two structures make the LNA achieve a good broadband performance .

  24. 无论我使用Parallels还是Fusion,都是这样,这两种软件使你能在Mac电脑上同时运行Mac程序和Windows程序。

    This was true when I used either Parallels or Fusion , which allow you to run Windows programs on a Mac simultaneously with Mac programs ;

  25. 平台高1.5m时,两种姿势使足部承受的水平冲击力均有消长,有待进一步研究。

    When the subject jumped from the platform 1.5m high , ihe level impact force produced by both cf the above-mentioned postures were just the same , which needs further research .

  26. 这个基因的一个拷贝导致体重增加1.2kg,而两个拷贝使体重平均增加3kg。

    One copy of this gene leads to a1.2kg ( 3lb ) weight increase while those with two copies are , on average , 3kg ( 7lb ) heavier .

  27. 通过两个数据库使钢管杆优化设计、常规计算与绘图模块建立通信联系。

    Connect optimization design and general computation and drawing by database .

  28. 又传来的两条消息使我再次对这一切产生怀疑。

    Two further pieces of information set me questioning it all again .

  29. 这两个问题使公司在调查应聘者时面临两难。

    Both questions underpin the dilemma facing companies when vetting job candidates .

  30. 最终通过上述两种反应使整个体系交联固化。

    Finally the system is cured by above two kinds of reactions .