
  1. 清末蒙旗东西路垦务公司研究(1902-1908)

    The Research on East-West Road Company in Mongolia in Late Qing Dynasty ( 1902-1908 )

  2. 第二步,对朱雀大街和小寨东西路的历史文化景观要素和道路现状进行分析,挖掘城市景观道路中存在的历史文化记忆和传承的文化要素,找出景观文化特色。

    The second step , the Suzaku Avenue and small east-west road historical and cultural landscape and road situation analysis , mining city landscape road in the presence of the historical and cultural memory and transmission of cultural elements , find out the landscape culture .

  3. 它是贯穿整个大连海滨风景区东西滨海路的要冲,而且也是老虎滩景区西部和邻近的燕窝岭景区中一处壮观秀丽的风景点。

    It is not only a spectacular scene , but also a viaduct which bestride the valley and the communication center throughout at the east-west Binhai road .

  4. 服务性的东西促进高速路发展。

    Service stations , motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate higway system .

  5. 最火大的是,开个银行帐户,做个预算,要花很长的时间。但经历完这些,我学到了一两点东西,一路下来也积累了很重要的经验。

    On top of that , opening up bank accounts and getting the paper work done took longer than I expected , but through all this I learned a thing or two about myself , and collected vital experience points along the way .

  6. 袋子破了,里面的东西撒了一路。

    The barf had broken and emptied its content out along the road .

  7. 面对变化的过程中,你可能会失去一些珍贵的东西,但一路走来你会收获更多。

    You might lose something good in the process , but you will most likely gain something even better .