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  1. 东太平洋暖池

    Eastern Pacific warm pool

  2. 湛江市东海岛对虾养殖池水质污染状况分析

    An Analysis of A Prawn Pond Water Pollution of Donghai Island in Zhanjiang

  3. 从颐和园东墙外荷花池的恢复看颐和园周边环境的景观规划

    The Thought of Landscape Planning from the Renewing of the East Lotus Pool of the Summer Palace

  4. 赤道Kelvin波压力分量贯穿西、东赤道太平洋并向东输送暖池热能,纬向流分量的热输送主要出现在西赤道太平洋;Rossby波压力分量的热输送主要出现在东、中赤道太平洋;

    The heat transmitting by the component force of Rossby wave pressure mainly appears in the eastern and middle area of the Pacific , while zonal current component transmitting occurs mainly in the Western Equatorial Pacific .