
  • 网络Store;franchise store;boutique;specialty store;outlet
  1. 本程序一共设置了两种用户身份,分别是客户Client专营店管理员Manger。

    This procedure established totally two kinds of customer body , which was a customer respectively Client the monopoly store managing person 's Manger .

  2. 福建市场日化专营店的竞争格局分析

    Competition situation of daily chemical monopolized store in Fujian market

  3. 百保力集团在12月中旬将Play球拍引入其第一大市场美国,目前这款产品在美国的50个专营店中有售。

    Babolat introduced the Play in mid-December in the United States , its number one market , selling it in 50 specialized stores .

  4. 附近的太阳(Solar)瓷砖店里展览着从15世纪到20世纪30年代的数千种瓷砖。这家店铺是里斯本的古董精品瓷砖专营店,已有60年历史。

    Thousands of specimens , from the 15th century to the 1930s , fill Solar a nearly 60-year-old Lisbon tile specialist and antique dealer .

  5. 专用性投资对机会主义的影响&以汽车行业4S专营店为例

    The Impact of Specific Investments on Opportunism & Take the Case of 4S Shop in Automobile Industry

  6. 本文介绍了某HERMES专营店的空调设计方法。

    In this paper , the air conditioning design of HERMES duty-free shop is introduced .

  7. 例如,在本年度7月31日截止的上一季度里,大型鞋类专营店DSW(DiscountShoeWarehouse)的销售额呈现两位数增长,但其举措却十分谨慎。

    Discount shoe warehouse ( DSW ) , for instance , saw double-digit sales gains in the quarter ended July 31 , but is nevertheless stepping cautiously .

  8. 各种商店在社区内争相开张,12月,时尚品牌AcneStudios将在这里开分店,护肤专营店Aesop也将随之而来。

    Stores will be adding cachet to the neighborhood soon ; an outlet of the fashion label Acne Studios opened in December , with Aesop , a skin-care specialist , soon to follow .

  9. 独立式汽车品牌专营店设计初探

    Hold On , It 's a Brand Automobile Concession Shop Design Study

  10. 公司从事电子、电脑外设、通信产品的三家专营店。

    Companies engaged in electronics , computer peripherals , communications products of the three franchise stores .

  11. 当你考虑购买专营店的珠宝首饰时更是如此。

    This is also the case when considering the purchase of jewelry items from specific outlets .

  12. 专营店的珠宝价格可能会比较昂贵,这是因为珠子上面通常帱有商标。

    Specific outlets may be more expensive because of the brand names that are usually attached .

  13. 在唱片零售业,降价促销会挤压专营店的利润,从而引起他们的抵制。

    In music retailing it could prompt resistance from specialist stores which will see their margins squeezed .

  14. 威固专营店&倾心打造魅力品牌形象

    Cordial make charm brand image

  15. 很多网络商家还提供专门服务,帮助顾客找到离他们最近的,出售他们中意产品的专营店。

    Many online retailers offer tools that let people locate the nearest outlet that has a given item in stock .

  16. 公司在全国各地设有专营店、代理商和分支机构,能最快捷的为您提供高品质的服务。

    We also set up agents , branch offices in China to provide our efficient and best services to the customers .

  17. 不管是在医生的办公室还是在汽车专营店,用这点时间来读几页书。

    Whether it is in the doctors office or the car dealership , use that time to read a few pages .

  18. 俱乐部专营店将经营全部系列的阿迪达斯球衣以及训练装备,并将有一些打折商品出售。

    The club shop will stock the entire range of adidas kits and training wear together with some fantastic discounted items .

  19. 办理上风:供给同一的专营店和市场拓展计谋,为您供给壮大的资源支持。

    Management advantage : We offer uniform franchised store image and market development strategy training , to give you powerful resources support .

  20. 事实上,现在市场发展最快的部分就是打折专营店和销售低价时装的食品零售商(超市)与国际连锁店。

    The fact is the fastest growing part of the market is the specialist discounters , food retailers and international chains selling low price fashion .

  21. 要买这些工艺品,首先可以到制作和销售这些工艺品的作坊和专营店去看看。

    When shopping for this type of souvenir , the best place to start looking may be a workshop that makes them , or a specialty shop .

  22. 顾名思义,专营店管理系统就是对专营店的内部和有关客户的信息进行管理的系统。

    Elf evident , the monopoly store management system to be the inner part of the monopoly store with the system that information concerning customer proceeding manage .

  23. 记者日前从东风日产高卫专营店获悉,东风日产新逍客已登陆衡阳,开始上市销售。

    Recently , this reporter from a high Nissan franchise stores Wei noted that the new Nissan QASHQAI has already landed in Hengyang , beginning on sale .

  24. 所以现代综合商场的各种货架都采用组合的形式,只有一些专营店才少量采用固定的形式。

    Therefore , modern shopping centers have adopted a variety of shelf combinations form , only the number of franchise stores only a small amount of the fixed-form .

  25. 上周,莫莫·西索科和博洛·岑登在利物浦参加了俱乐部市中心专营店的复营业典礼,并会见了数百名热情的球迷。

    Reds'duo Momo Sissoko and Bolo Zenden met hundreds of excited fans in Liverpool last week as they helped celebrate the reopening of the club 's city centre store .

  26. 这个购物时间可能短到一秒都不到,而对都市美男来说,也可能会持续好几个小时;购物的类型也不拘一格,可能是去杂货店,也可能是去设计师专营店。

    This period can last from almost no time at all to literally hours for a metrosexual , and includes all forms of shopping , from the grocery store to designer boutiques .

  27. 本研究的调研于2009年3月-6月分别在北京,上海,青岛,大连等地区进行,调研对象为我国白家电业两大知名企业和5个大型家电卖场和专营店的销售人员。

    The research was launched in Beijing , Shanghai , Qingdao and Dalian during Mar and Jun of 2009 , faced with the salesmen of two famous appliance companies and five big shopping hall .

  28. 隔江而立的是外滩标志性的建筑群。19世纪末,这里曾是外国公司的中心区,如今这里经过精心修复,是各种高级专营店和饭店的所在地。

    Across the river , the landmark buildings of the waterfront Bund , dating back to the late 19th century as the center of foreign-owned businesses , have been elegantly restored and now house a variety of expensive boutiques and restaurants .

  29. 去年新年之后不久,刘在宁波一个安静的商业综合楼里开设了一家施坦威专营店,这是他的家族企业天目琴行的最新分支。这个商业楼里还有一家高档红酒店和一个画廊。

    Shortly after New Year 's Day last year , in a sleepy business complex in Ningbo that housed a fine-wine store and an art gallery , Mr. Liu opened a Steinway dealership , the latest addition to his family 's business empire , Tianmu Music .

  30. 是的,我们是伦敦唯一一家专营爵士乐的唱片店。

    That 's right . We 're the only record store in London dedicated exclusively to Jazz .