
  • 网络special archives
  1. 商事档案的公开与利用限制&从商法的角度谈几类专门档案的提供利用问题

    Open and Limiting in Utilization of Archives of Commercial Business

  2. 文档管理系统与专门档案管理的兼容性

    On the Compatibility of the File-Archive Management System and the Specialized Archives Management

  3. 明代户籍档案管理是中国古代专门档案管理的典型。

    The census register management of Ming Dynasty is a typical case of special archive in Chinese history .

  4. 针对汽轮机低压缸末级叶片在恶劣工况下长期工作的情况,采用对末级叶片实测其静频率,建立一片一户专门档案的方法,用于评估和预测叶片运行的可靠性。

    With regard to severe working conditions long time suffered by the rear blades inside the low pressure cylinders , measurements of static frequency have been taken to evaluate and predict the operational reliability of the said blades by means of establishing one blade corresponding to one file .

  5. 具体的工程名称和位置(我们将为此制作专门的档案,以便保护用户的利益)。

    Specific project name and location ( We will create a unique file for this project under your name so that we can protect your interests . )

  6. 古代埃及档案文献的种类齐全,内容丰富,并设有专门的档案保管库,充分为埃及法老政府所利用,促进了古代埃及的文化、艺术和科学技术的发展。

    The ancient Egyptian archival documents were complete , and the escpecial storehouses were established to keep archives , they were fully made use of by the Pharaonic government , and had played an important role in the developments of ancient Egyptian culture , science and technology .

  7. 系统包括了档案管理工作的各个环节,并根据目前档案管理与档案应用分离的现状,在系统中专门设计了档案文件共享及其知识发现的模块。

    The system includes the different archive work procedures . We specially designed the function of the archives sharing and knowledge discover .

  8. 惠泽公司将根据维护协议对设备实施维护,保养,并建立专门的维护档案。

    According to the implementation of safeguard agreements on equipment maintenance , we will operate , maintenance , and the establishment of specialized maintenance records .

  9. 寝宫旁是供奉太阳神阿托恩的露天大庙宇和神殿、军警总部以及专门存放外事档案的文档馆。

    Hard by were the great open-air temple and sanctuary of Aton , the police and military headquarters , and the records office for the " Foreign Office " archives .