
  • 网络Patent Quality
  1. 国际视野下专利质量指标研究的现状与趋势

    Status and Trends of Patent Quality Indicator Research in International Perspective

  2. 知识产权中的专利质量界定及组成要素分析

    Analysis on the Definition and Composition Factor of Patent Quality in Intellectual Property Rights

  3. 基于专利质量的两阶段专利资助政策研究

    Study on the Two-stage Patent Funding Policy Based on the Quality of Patent Application

  4. 最后,必须通过提高审查标准等措施来提高专利质量。

    Finally , patent quality had to be improved by taking measures to reinforce examination standards .

  5. 工业设计创新及其提升我国专利质量的研究

    Research on Packaging Industry 's Technological Innovation and Promoting Enterprise 's Patent Quality of Our Country

  6. 知识产权战略实施绩效评估中的专利质量指标及其作用研究

    A Study on Patent Quality Indicators and Their Important Roles in Performance Evaluation of Intellectual Property Strategy Implementation

  7. 而专利质量评价是专利证券化的核心环节,为多方合作提供基本对话平台。

    While the evaluation of patent quality is the core aspect of securitization of patent , as it provides the basic platform for dialogue on multilateral cooperation .

  8. 专利质量问题成为专利制度改革的重要议题,而与质量问题密切相关的就是专利创造性标准问题。

    Quality of patents has become an important issue in patent system reform , and what is closely related with the quality issue is the standard of inventive step .

  9. 中国专利权质量估计及分析

    Estimates and Analyses of the Value of Patent Rights in China

  10. 我国新修改的授权条件在其要求上提高了授权门槛,从而提高了授予专利的质量。

    Our new patent granted law improve the threshold , thus enhancing the quality of granted patents .

  11. 在经济全球化的时代背景下,专利的质量和数量成为国家和企业核心竞争力的重要体现。

    At the background of globalization , the quality and quantity of patents show the core competence of a country .

  12. 有一种常见的说法是,来自中国的许多专利申请质量较低。相关数据在一定程度上支持了这种说法。

    The often repeated charge that many of the patent applications from China are of low quality has some support in the data .

  13. 拥有专利的质量与数量在很大程度上决定一个企业的竞争力,而拥有核心竞争力企业的多少往往又决定了一个国家在国际市场上的地位和总体竞争力。

    The quality and quantity of patent largely determines the competitiveness of an enterprise , to some extent , the number of enterprises equipped with crucial technical advantage decides the market status and comprehensive competitive capacity of a country .

  14. 结果显示,山西省的专利数量和质量相对落后,实力雄厚的制药企业比较少,专利发展表现出滞后性。

    The results show that the quality and quantity of Shanxi patents is relatively backward , and it lacks the powerful pharmaceutical companies . The patent development is lagged behind .

  15. 同时,相对于简单的专利资产,高质量的专利资产对企业具有更明显和持久的价值创造作用。

    Besides , high-quality patent assets play a more obvious and lasting value creation role than simple patent assets .

  16. 科学技术是推动社会进步的重要力量,而一国科技力量的强弱主要取决于其所拥有的专利的数量和质量。

    Science and technology , a driving force to the development of society , is mainly evaluated by the quantity and quality of the patents a country owns .

  17. 国外在上世纪七十年代就有关于抗起球腈纶的专利报道,产品质量不断提高,现在已形成纤维-纱线-织物多品种的产业链。

    In the 1970s of last century , there were patents coverage about anti-pilling acrylic aboard . The quality has been improved and an industrial chain from fiber to fabric has been formed .

  18. 而专利的数量和质量是创新的重要标志,与国外知名汽车企业相比,我国自主品牌汽车企业的专利意识、专利申请数量和质量都还有较大的差距。

    Quantity and quality of patents is an important symbol of innovation . Compared with foreign well-known car companies , patent awareness , patent quality and quantity of own brand car companies are poor .

  19. 专利的数量和质量是衡量一所医院综合竞争实力的重要指标,加强专利管理是事关医院长远发展的一项重要工作。

    For a hospital , the quantity and quality of patents is an important indicator of its comprehensive competitive edge , so enhancing patent management can contribute to the chronic development of the hospital .

  20. 问题专利由于涉及专利质量及不正当竞争等有关问题已经引起了广泛关注,问题专利一词在各类文献中的使用率颇高。

    " questionable Patent " because of the quality of patents and unfair competition , and other related issues have attracted wide attention ," questionable patent " in all types of literature in the high utilization rate .

  21. 不过,专利数量压倒了专利质量。

    But it is a case of quantity over quality .

  22. 基于专利统计数据的中外专利质量差异研究

    Quality Difference Research of Chinese and Foreigner Authorization Patent Based on the Patent Analysis

  23. 有一件事情已经很清楚了,由于上世纪90年代商业方法专利在美国泛滥成灾,专利的质量已显著恶化。

    One thing has become clear since business-process patents took off in America during the1990s : the quality of patents has deteriorated markedly .

  24. 介绍了专利的性质,提出了影响专利质量的因素不仅包括发明创新的高度和申请文件的撰写质量,还包括了专利网络的构筑。

    Properties of patent are introduced . A viewpoint is put forward that factors of affecting the quality of the patent include not only the level of the invention and the writing quality of the application documents , but also the construction of the patent network .

  25. 第三章,提出我国药品注册中的专利问题及其对策。主要包括药品专利的质量、制药企业的知识产权意识和药品注册的专利链接制度三个方面。

    Chapter 3 : put forward related problems and strategies on the patent in the drug registration , mainly including the quality of paten drugs , the intellectual property rights consciousness of pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical patent linkage in China .

  26. 专利权维持的时间较短,这一方面反映专利申请的质量不高,另一方面也反映专利成果的实施转化率很低;知识产权流失现象在一定程度上存在,而且保护措施效力不大。

    The shortness maintain of the copyright or patent reflecting the low quality of applying for patent and the low rate of putting into practice ;

  27. 我国的专利制度尽管还处于完善阶段,也遇到了美国所遇到的专利质量问题。

    The patent system in our country is still in the stage of improvement , and will meet the problem of patent quality in America .

  28. 最新报告表明,中国成为了专利申请量世界第三大国,但是专家表示,还需要做更多工作提高中国的专利质量。

    China is now the third highest-ranking country for patent applications , but experts say the country needs to do more to improve patent quality .

  29. 第三部分利用最新的专利申请数据和专利地图工具对我国银行业专利申请进行现状分析,得出我国内资银行在专利申请质量、专利分布和专利申请理性上存在缺陷的结论。

    The third part uses the newest patented claim data and the patent map tool to analyze present situation and gets results that there are some problems in patent quality , the patent distribution and rationality of patent claiming .

  30. 根据目前农业专利产业化水平低的现状,分析了影响农业专利产业化的制约因素主要有两个方面:一是农业专利自身质量不高的内部制约因素;

    Through the analysis of the current situation of the industrialization of agricultural patent , we find that there are two restriction factors : first , the internal restriction factor is the agricultural patent itself ;