
  • 网络inventor
  1. 是一种专利发明人以公开发明来换取法定的垄断的权利,具有私有性和垄断性。

    It is a right of monopoly exchanged by a public invention , with a nature of privity and monopoly .

  2. 专利给予发明人对其发明的产品或服务的合法垄断权。

    Patent is a legal exclusive right of the invented products and services given to the inventor .

  3. 该文章称史蒂夫•乔布斯是313项专利的发明人,而且还是其中逾10%专利的主发明人。

    Steve Jobs is cited as an inventor on 313 patents and is the first listed inventor on over 10 % of them .

  4. 认真起草的临时专利是发明人在一种产品或过程的生命期内较早进入市场的一个很好途径。

    Provisional patent when drafted with care is an excellent way for an inventor to enter a market place early in the life of a new product or process .

  5. 例如,钻孔压降成桩法发明专利的发明人诉北京市地铁地基工程公司发明专利权属纠纷。

    For example , the inventor of a new " technique for sinking piling using drill holes ," brought a suit against the Beijing Subway Foundation Engineering Company to determine ownership of the patent on the invention .

  6. 但是他说有办法通过使用开源软件来创建这种功能,他早就允许任何人使用这种功能,“只要他们不犯混”。推特让其专利的发明人通过法律诉讼禁止别人使用那些专利。

    But he says there are ways to build this feature using open-source software , and he has long given anyone permission to use it ' as long as they aren 't a d --- . ' Twitter lets the inventors of its patents veto using them in offensive lawsuits .

  7. 但是他说有办法通过使用开源软件来创建这种功能,他早就允许任何人使用这种功能,只要他们不犯混。推特让其专利的发明人通过法律诉讼禁止别人使用那些专利。

    But he says there are ways to build this feature using open-source software , and he has long given anyone permission to use it ' as long as they aren 't a d & . ' Twitter lets the inventors of its patents veto using them in offensive lawsuits .

  8. 专利体现了发明人在时间和金钱上的投入。

    It represents investment both in hours and in money .

  9. 专利法给予发明人独占的,排它的权利去使用其发明或授权他人使用其发明。

    Patent law gives an inventor the sole and exclusive right to exploit and to authorise another to exploit an invention .

  10. 非职务发明创造,申请专利的权利属于发明人或者设计人;

    For a non-service invention-creation , the right to apply for a patent belongs to the inventor or creator .

  11. 如指定专利申请并无载有发明人的姓名或名称,则须提交一项识别你所相信是发明人的人的陈述;

    If the inventor is not named in the designated patent application , a statement identifying the person you believe is the inventor ;

  12. 第十二条专利法所称发明人或者设计人,是指对发明创造的实质性特点作出创造性贡献的人。

    Rule 12 " Inventor " or " creator " referred to in the Patent Law means any person who makes creative contributions to the substantive features of an invention-creation .

  13. 有两点最为突出:在这313项专利中,只有略多于10%的专利主发明人是乔布斯,在全部专利中只占少数,但并不寒碜!

    Two points stand out : Steve was lead inventor on just over 10 % of the 313 cited patents on which he is named & a significant minority , but not too shabby !

  14. 专利制度在激励技术创新的同时会带来专利垄断、专利技术外溢和发明人之间过度竞争的问题,这在一定程度上妨碍了其自身激励创新功能的发挥。

    The author holds that patent system has brought about technology innovation accompanied with the problems such as patent monopoly , patent " outflowing " and the inventors ' excessive competition , which hinders its full play to the functions of innovation .