
  • 网络Patent Information Retrieval
  1. 基于Internet专利信息检索系统的体系研究

    Study on the Patent Information Retrieval System Based on Internet

  2. 基于本体的专利信息检索系统设计与实现

    The design and Realization of patent information retrieval system based on Ontology

  3. Internet免费专利信息检索网站评析

    Study on Internet Free Patent Information Search Website

  4. Internet与专利信息检索

    Internet and Patent Information Searches

  5. 并以TRS全文检索引擎为基础,设计并实现了专利信息检索与服务平台。

    And to TRS based text search engine , designed and implemented a patent information search and service platform .

  6. 国内外专利信息检索

    The Patent Information Retrieval at Home and Abroad

  7. 面向科技创新的专利信息检索与咨询服务研究

    Study on the Service of Patent Information Retrieval and Reference Consultation Facing Technical Innovation

  8. 专利信息检索的多样化选择为技术创新提供了更经济高效的信息来源;

    Diverse patent information retrieval choice providing more economical and effective information origin for the technical innovation ;

  9. 专利信息检索的精确度和准全率和索引文件所依赖的词典库有着直接而重要的关系。

    Patent Information retrieval accuracy and quasi-full-rate and index files depends on the dictionary library has a direct and important relationship .

  10. 原型系统实现了从专利信息检索、采集到分析的整个流程,实际应用性较强,为专利战略的制定提供了重要参考资源。

    The protosystem implements the whole process from patent information retrieval , acquisition to analysis with higher practical applicability , which provides crucial reference resources for patent strategy making .

  11. 本系统应用于药物专利信息检索系统,为进一步生成药物专利化合物结构的计算机表达、存储以及匹配所用。

    The translation system is an auxiliary tool integrated into the retrieval system of pharmaceutical patent information and used in the representation , store and search structure information by computer .

  12. 在比较分析的基础上对用户如何有效进行专利信息检索提出建议,并针对三大专利检索系统尚存的局限向系统开发人员提出专利检索系统的优化方案。

    Finally , based on the comparative analysis , author put forward the reasonable proposals on how users retrieval patent information effectively ; aim at the limitations of the patent search system , optimization scheme of the three patent retrieval system is been proposed to system design and development staff .

  13. 中外专利信息网络检索工具的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Patent Information Retrieval Tools of Chinese and Foreign Network

  14. 网上专利信息的检索

    The Searching Patent Information on the Internet

  15. 药物专利信息的检索在开发新产品和对化学产品实施专利保护时有着重要的作用,同时它可使情报部门、科研部门及生产单位及时掌握国内外专利的保护情况和新产品的发展动态。

    The retrieval of pharmaceutical patent information plays an important role in the development of new drugs as well as protection of chemical patents .

  16. 在课时允许情况下,应增加四方面教学内容:网络信息检索的技巧、网络原始资料的获取、网络专利信息的检索和如何精选网络信息;

    If time permits , some contents should be added , namely , the skill of network information search , obtaining of network data , search for patent data on the net and how to choose network information .

  17. 知识产权全程管理制度主要包括专利技术信息检索、知识产权可行性分析报告、技术保密方案、委托或联合科研中的知识产权分享等项管理内容和制度。

    This system mainly includes the management and systems in the retrieval of information concerning patent technologies , the report of feasibility analysis of intellectual property right , the scheme of technical secrecy , and the share of intellectual property right in the activities of entrustment or joint scientific research .

  18. 本文介绍Internet上的中国专利信息资源与检索方法。

    In this paper , the information resource of patent of china and its seeking in Internet are introduced .

  19. 专利局间信息检索国际合作委员会

    Committee for International Cooperation in Information Retrieval among Patent Offices

  20. 因特网上专利信息的免费检索方法

    The Free Retrieval of Patent Information on the Internet

  21. 用户可通过浏览器访问指定网址对专利信息进行管理、检索等操作。

    Users can access through the browser on the Web site designated patent information management , retrieval , and other operations .

  22. 构建了专利信息获取与分析的原型系统,主要包括专利信息检索子系统、专利信息抽取子系统和专利信息分析子系统三个组成部分。

    The protosystem for patent information acquisition and analysis is built , including patent information retrieval subsystem , patent information extraction subsystem and patent information analysis subsystem .

  23. 通过目前企业专利诉讼现状分析及所遇问题进行相关假设,然后建立合作博弈模型分析,得到最优的专利信息检索和防御布局成本投入,最后基于Rubinstein讨价还价模型求出成本分担系数。

    By analyzing the current situation of patent litigation to propose some hypotheses and establish a cooperative game model to find the optimal cost investment of patent information retrieval and defense layout . Finally find the cost sharing coefficient by Rubinstein bargaining model .