
zhuān lì dài lǐ rén
  • patent agent;patent attorney
  1. 专利代理人是联系申请人与专利行政部门之间的一座桥梁。

    Patent agent is a bridge which contacts applicant and patent administrate office .

  2. 专利代理人登录到代理。

    The patent agent logs into the proxy .

  3. 代理确定用户的身份和专利代理人所属的CoP。

    The proxy identifies the user and which CoPs the patent attorney belongs to .

  4. 专利代理人可能扮演个人角色,并希望管理围绕所牵涉到的所有Web2.0应用程序的标记。

    The patent attorney might be in a personal role and want to manage his tags around all of the Web2.0 applications that he 's involved with .

  5. 该代理人属于多个实践社群(例如,专利代理人CoP、律师CoP、该代理人所在公司的CoP等等)。

    This agent belongs to a number of communities of practice ( for example , patent agents CoP , a lawyer CoP , the firm the agent works for CoP , and so on ) .

  6. 这允许对个人标记(或特定CoP的标记&如果这是专利代理人用于登录的用户角色的话)进行管理,例如添加、删除或重命名标记。

    This allows the management of the personal tags ( or the tags of the particular CoP if that 's the user role the attorney logged in with ), such as adding , deleting , or renaming tags .

  7. 然后代理将负责使用专利代理人涉及到的每个Web2.0应用程序中的标记集,对用户的个人标记进行比较(执行区分)和更新。

    The proxy is then responsible for comparing ( doing a diff ) and updating the user 's personal tags with the tag sets in each of the Web2.0 applications that the attorney was aware of .

  8. (三)专利代理人姓名及其资格证书;

    The names of patent agents and their certificates of qualification ;

  9. (五)接受聘请,指派专利代理人担任专利顾问;

    Appointing patent agents to serve as patent advisors upon invitation ;

  10. 国内外律师事务所的律师和专利代理人。

    Lawyers and Patent Agents from Law Firms in China and Abroad .

  11. 第三,待人处事都要公道。第三章专利代理人

    Thirdly , we must be fair and reasonable . Chapter 3 Patent Agents

  12. 此解决方案概要在专利代理人希望执行有意义的查询的时候使用。

    This solution outline is for when the attorney wants to make meaningful queries .

  13. 他已是一个开业律师或专利代理人。

    He has set up in practice as a solicitor or a patent agent .

  14. 下面是专利代理人在与代理交互时可能采取的步骤

    Here are the steps that a patent attorney might take when interacting with the proxy

  15. 专利代理人不得同时在两个以上专利代理机构从事专利代理业务。

    Patent agents shall handle patent commissioning services in two or more patent agencies simultaneously .

  16. 美国注册专利代理人。

    Register patent agent in US .

  17. 试论专利代理人的重要作用

    The Key Role of Patent Agent

  18. 在她的配置文件中,专利代理人已经确定了她使用哪些社会软件应用程序。

    In her profile , the patent attorney would have identified which social software applications she used .

  19. 专利代理人调离专利代理机构前,必须妥善处理尚未办结的专利代理案件。

    Before quitting their jobs at patent agencies , patent agents must appropriately conclude unsettled commissioned cases .

  20. 亚洲专利代理人协会

    Asian Patent Attorneys Association

  21. 并有必要听取会司律师和专利代理人的意见。

    And it would be necessary to obtain advice from both the Company 's solicitor and Patent Agent .

  22. 文章主要论述了专利代理人在专利申请前、撰写专利申请文件过程中以及专利审查过程中的作用。

    This paper discussed the key role of patent agent in patent application , documents writing and patent examination .

  23. 专利代理人挑选她现在正在扮演的角色(例如,律师角色)。

    The patent attorney picks which role she 's now playing ( for example , a lawyer role ) .

  24. 该专利代理人可能希望使用他所拥有的各个角色执行以下事项之一

    The patent agent may want to do one of the following with the various roles that are attributed to him

  25. 专利代理人考核委员会由中国专利局、国务院有关部门以及专利代理人的组织的有关人员组成。

    The panel of judges is composed of persons from CAP , State Council department and organizations of patent agents .

  26. 所以当你有个好点子的时候,你们知道的,找个专利代理人,然后把它好好藏起来吧。

    So if you have a great idea , you know , talk to a good patent attorney and get it locked away .

  27. 如果发现一个具有竞争力的产品可能对您的注册外观设计侵权,您必须立即与律师或专利代理人取得联系。

    If you detect possible infringement of your design registration by a competing product , you should contact a legal practitioner or patent attorney immediately .

  28. 信用担保机构的风险控制与代偿处理专利代理人不得同时在两个以上专利代理机构从事专利代理业务。

    Risk Management and the Third-Party-Obligation of Credit Guarantee Institution ; Patent agents shall handle patent commissioning services in two or more patent agencies simultaneously .

  29. 对聘任的专利代理人应当办理聘任手续,由专利代理机构发给《专利代理人工作证》,并向中国专利局备案。

    The latter shall go through necessary procedures , be given " Patent Agent Work Permit " by the former , and register at CAP .

  30. 后续文章将基于此思想来向用户(例如专利代理人)提供按需内容,以改进作业性能。

    Future articles will build on this idea to provide content on demand to the user , such as a patent agent , to improve job performance .