
  1. 一国两制下专利优先权的冲突与协调

    Conflicts and Harmonization of Patent Priority under the Systemof One Country , Two Systems

  2. 在我国境内存在四个独立的法域,形成包括专利优先权在内的一系列法律冲突。

    There are four scopes of law which are independent each other in our country .

  3. 此外,还准许在一国中根据专利申请的优先权提出实用新型的申请,反之亦然。

    Furthermore , it is permissible to file a utility model in a country by virtue of a right of priority based on the filing of a patent application , and vice versa .

  4. 四法域在是否享有优先权、享有优先权的性质以及享有优先权的专利类型和优先权期限等方面存在不协调和冲突。

    Many conflicts of law including the conflicts of priority in patent systems will come into being unavoidably . There exist conflicts in aspects of whether enjoying priority , quality , type and time limit of enjoying priority .