
  • 网络Patent Announcement;patent gazette
  1. 自专利局公告授予专利权之日起满六个月后

    " Where , after the expiration of six months from the date of the announcement of the grant of the patent right by the Patent Office "

  2. (三)专利登记费、公告印刷费、申请维持费、年费;

    Registration fee for the grant of patent right , printing fee for the announcement of grant of patent right , maintenance fee for application , and annual fee ;

  3. 在专利申请公布或者公告前,国务院专利行政部门的工作人员及有关人员对其内容负有保密责任。

    Until the publication or announcement of the application for a patent , staff members of the patent administration department under the State Council and other persons involved have the duty to keep its contents secret .

  4. 实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权自公告之日起生效。

    The patent right for utility model or design shall take effect as of the date of the announcement .

  5. 通过这些站点,可以了解各国的专利机构和专利分类,查阅专利公告,检索专利信息甚至可以下载整个专利文件,了解最新最全的专利信息。

    By visiting those web sites , users may know the patent institutions and classification in different countries , look up patent announcement , retrieval patent information , and even download the whole patent document to find out the latest and most complete patent information .

  6. 撤销专利权的决定,由专利局登记和公告。

    The decision revoking the patent right shall be registered and announced by the Patent Office .

  7. 但是,撤回专利申请的声明应当在以后出版的专利公报上予以公告。

    However , the declaration to withdraw an application for a patent shall be announced on the subsequently published Patent Gazette .

  8. 将申请人或专利权人提出检索报告的时间修改为提出申请时或登记公告时,允许其他人可在实用新型专利权登记公告后提出检索报告请求;

    Applying time of applicant and patentee of Utility Model patent right being modified to the time of bringing forward application or the time of registered and announced of patent right . While allowing anybody else to requesting search report after patent right having been registered and announced ;

  9. 转让专利申请权或者专利权的,当事人必须订立书面合同,经专利局登记和公告后生效。

    Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned , the parties must conclude a written contract , which will come into force after it is registered with and announced by the patent office .

  10. 转让专利申请权或者专利权的,当事人应当订立书面合同,并向国务院专利行政部门登记,由国务院专利行政部门予以公告。

    Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned , the parties shall conclude a written contract and register it with the patent administration department under the State Council .