
yìn shuā chǎnɡ
  • printing house;printer;printing office;printing works
  1. 试论地质测绘印刷厂的发展

    Discussion on Development of Printing House of Surveying and Mapping of Geology

  2. 她母亲在印刷厂工作。

    Her mother works in the printing house .

  3. 原稿已经寄给印刷厂了。

    The manuscript had already been sent off to the printers .

  4. 他以前是印刷厂的一名刻工

    He was once an engraver in a printing factory .

  5. 浙江省天台县教育局两名官员与当地一家印刷厂约定,印制一张试卷就提取一点“好处费”,5年共收受回扣达25万元,涉及约2500万份试卷。

    Two education bureau officials in Tiantai , Zhejiang province , demanded kickbacks1 from a local printing company for each exam paper it printed . Within five years they received kickbacks of as much as 250000 yuan from about 25 million exam papers .

  6. n.手稿;原稿adj.手写的他昨天将原稿送到印刷厂。

    manuscript He sent the manuscript to the printer yesterday .

  7. 在此部分,文章介绍了UV金属油墨的组成、固化原理、固化过程等,并通过对油墨厂和印刷厂实例的研究来分析UV油墨的选用和其在金属包装上应用的问题。

    Meanwhile , the paper also analyzed the ink with some research in some enterprises to study the selection of UV ink and the problems in the application .

  8. 他买下了两个印刷厂来打印贺卡,这样他圣诞的时候就可以给NBA里每个人送贺卡。

    He brought two printing factories just to print out greeting cards so he can send them to everyone in the NBA once comes Christmas .

  9. 后窗雨刷(EBL)继电器我给印刷厂打个电话。

    REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER ( EBL ) RELAY I 'll ring the printers .

  10. 有旧屋改建的新潮餐馆吗?有,譬如马厩改成的马厩吧(StablesBar)、农舍改成的老乌鸦(OldCrow)和印刷厂改建的印馆(PrintHall)。

    Modish new restaurants in repurposed spaces like stables ( the Stables Bar ) , cottages ( the Old Crow ) or a printing press building ( the Print Hall ) ?

  11. Nemtsov说,当局查封了他的运动的文献,搜查了印刷厂,并跟踪他和几名自己的人员。

    The candidate says authorities also seized his campaign literature , searched printing houses and followed him and members of his staff .

  12. 介绍了应用吸附催化燃烧法原理,采用FCJ型有机废气净化装置进行包装印刷厂挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)废气治理,详细描述了包装印刷车间VOCs废气治理的工艺过程及其治理效果。

    The paper introduced that VOCs exhaust gas in packing printing house was treated by FCJ organic gas purification equipment , which is based on adsorption and catalytic combustion principle . The technical process and detecting result on treating VOCs exhaust gas were described in detail .

  13. 面对这些各有特色的数字化工作流程,印刷厂如何选择呢?

    How to select the multi digital workflows for printing factory ?

  14. 为少数获得此殊荣之印刷厂之一。

    Being one of the minority of printers obtaining such privilege .

  15. 他们那些人总没有印刷厂吧。

    It 's not likely that they have their own presses .

  16. 印刷厂铅烟尘净化技术

    Purification technology of the lead smoke dust of the printing house

  17. 最后终于在约翰韦斯特印刷厂当了一名排字工。

    Finally he became a typesetter for John t.west 's printery .

  18. 我们最好把这些稿子发给印刷厂。

    We 'd better get these proofs off to the printers .

  19. 接触正己烷印刷厂工人心理健康状况调查

    Investigation on the mental health in the workers exposed to n-hexane

  20. 印刷厂物品被印刷的地方或机构。

    A place or an establishment where matter is printed .

  21. 哪个印刷厂印的?

    And which printing house did the job for them ?

  22. 凯特和合伙人正着手创办自己的印刷厂。

    Kate and her partner are setting up their own printing business .

  23. 印刷厂用落地式木制家具,有箱子或抽屉

    Wooden floor-standing furniture with cases or drawers for printing works

  24. 是以设计部、印刷厂为主体的专业机构。

    Department of Design , printing plant as the main professional bodies .

  25. 他是一家印刷厂的工头,而我妈妈是全职太太。

    He was a printing-press foreman , and my mother was a housewife .

  26. 印刷厂印了1000份报纸。

    The print shop ran off 1 , 000 copies of the newspaper .

  27. 前文提到的《沃斯堡明星电讯报》就把自家印刷厂的钻探权卖了出去。

    The Fort Worth Star-Telegram sold rights to drill under its printing plant .

  28. 他昨天将原稿送到印刷厂。

    He sent the manuscript to the printer yesterday .

  29. 国营印刷厂为何参与书刊盗版活动?

    Why does a state-operated printing company join pirating ?

  30. 他们在洛杉矶办了一个小型印刷厂。

    They run a small printing outfit in la .