
shàng fén
  • Go to the grave;visit sb.'s grave;visit a grave to honour the memory of the dead;honor the memory of the dead at a grave
上坟 [shàng fén]
  • [honour the memory of the dead at a grave] 到死者坟前祭奠

上坟[shàng fén]
  1. 埃米想去给妈妈上坟。

    Amy wants to go and see her mother 's grave .

  2. 他和一些给他上坟的妇女交谈。

    He talked with some women who had come to his tomb .

  3. 她一上坟前,大地轰然裂开,英台便一跃而入。

    When she got near , the ground opened up and Ying Tai dove in .

  4. 清明节到了,正是给已故的人扫墓上坟的日子。

    Tomb-Sweeping Day comes when people go to the tombs of the deceased to pay their respect .

  5. 许多的工夫过去了;上坟的人渐渐增多,几个老的小的,在土坟间出没。

    With time passing by , more and more people came and some old people and kids were walking by the tombs .

  6. 从我记事开始,每年清明节的这一天,母亲就让我换上军色的春装,带着纸钱,领着我上坟去。

    From the start my notebook , each of the Ching Ming Festival this day , the mother let me put on army colored Spring , with paper money , led me go .