
  1. 用三角形二次插值有限元法计算二维大地电磁测深曲线

    Computing 2D magneto-telluric sounding curve by twice interpolation triangle finite element method

  2. 基于三角形二叉树的实时大规模地形渲染算法

    Real-time Algorithm for Large-scale Terrain Rendering Based on Triangle Bintree

  3. 基于三角形二叉树的地表模型动态简化算法

    Dynamic simplification algorithm of the terrain model based on triangle subdivision bi-tree

  4. 基于三角形二叉树适应网格的地形场景绘制算法

    The Terrain Scene Rendering Algorithm Based on Triangle Binary Tree Adapting Meshes

  5. 一类非线性椭圆问题三角形二次元的超收敛性

    The superconvergence of triangle quadratic finite element for a class of nonlinear elliptical problems

  6. 为此,本文提出了适应于求解具有斜界面或各种不规则二维地质构造的大地电磁问题的三角形二次插值有限元法。

    So the twice interpolation tri - angle finite element method is put forward which is suitable for solving magneto-telluric problem of dipping formation or irregular 2D geologic structures .

  7. 本文分别对这些特殊的二型模糊集的概念和相应的简化运算进行详细的介绍。三角形二型模糊集也是一类特殊的二型模糊集。

    In the paper , the concept of these special type-2 fuzzy sets and their simplified operations were briefly introduced . A triangle type-2 fuzzy set ( TT2 FSs ) is also one of the special type-2 fuzzy sets .

  8. 在上述三角形左右二边的双面回复反射体的承托板上端设有连接件;

    The double-face reflex reflection bodies comprise three double-face reflex reflection bodies which can form a triangle .

  9. 第一个人是个工程师,他对自己的狗喊道:“T形角,使出你的本领来。”这只狗便跑向一个书桌,拉出一张纸和一支铅笔,画出了一个完美的三角形。第二个人是个会计。

    The first man , an engineer , called to his dog , " T Square , show your stuff . " The dog trotted over to a desk , pulled out a paper and pencil , and drew a perfect triangle .

  10. 本文借助于文[5]给出的一种矩阵广义逆,构造了二元Stieltjes型矩阵连分式的截断连分式,以此首次定义了平面上拟三角形网格上的二元矩阵有理插道值函数。

    In this paper , the convergences of bivariate Stieltjes type matrix valued continued fractions are constructed by means of a generalized inverse for a matrix , which was given in paper [ 5 ] .

  11. 任意三角形控制网格的二元四次箱样条曲面算法

    Surface algorithm based-on bivariate quartic box-spline for arbitrary triangular control meshes

  12. 三角形的九点二次曲线

    The Nine Point Conic to a Triangle

  13. 相切于定三角形三边的二阶曲线的伴随点及其分布

    A Adjoint Point of a Quadratic Curve Which Contact Three Side of a Fixed Trangle and Its Distribution

  14. 三角形的面积等于二分之一底乘高。

    The area of a triangle is equal to half the product of the base and the perpendicular height .

  15. 给出了一种基于三角形内角加权和二次误差度量的三角形折叠算法来简化三角网格模型。

    Secondly , different internals templates are employed in twice error matching process and form a parallel structure in targets recognizing .