
  • 网络Pi Sagittarii
  1. 他们的计划是,明年要建三个厂。

    Their plan be that three factory be build next year .

  2. 彼得要为他们建三座帐棚。

    Peter wanted to build three Shelters or Tabernacles or Sacred tents .

  3. 在实证分析部分,选取了武汉国际博览中心中建三局施工项目部为评价对象开展了问卷调查,并对调查结果进行了统计分析。

    This survey was conducted in the Project Management board of the Third Bureau of China Construction Company in the Wuhan International Exhibition Center project , and the data were analyzed .

  4. 在登顶之前他们建了三个基地。

    They set up three bases before climbing to the top .

  5. 今年12月,APThailand公司计划建第三个足球场。

    This December , AP Thailand plans to open a third .

  6. 它很可能会建议在希思罗机场建第三条跑道,或在盖特威克机场(Gatwick)建第二条跑道。

    It will probably recommend a third Heathrow runway or a second at Gatwick .

  7. 约翰逊强烈反对希思罗机场建第三条跑道,他长久以来一直倡导采用香港的解决办法:在泰晤士河口(ThamesEstuary)建一座新机场。

    A fierce opponent of a third Heathrow runway , Mr Johnson has long championed a Hong Kong solution : a new airport in the Thames Estuary .

  8. 这并不意外:保守党(Conservative)、工党(Labour)和自由民主党(LiberalDemocrat)在这个问题上各有各的主张,在希思罗机场(Heathrow)是否该建第三条跑道的问题上分歧尤其大。

    That is no surprise : the Conservatives , Labour and Liberal Democrats are all riven on the issue , particularly over whether Heathrow should have a third runway .

  9. 到古晨为止,我们已进建了三年的英语了。

    So far , we have studied English for three years .

  10. 室内建有三个仪器墩。

    There are three instrument frusta in the room .

  11. 直到建第三层的时候,整栋建筑突然倒塌了。

    while you 're building the third floor , the whole structure collapses .

  12. 他们打算在建筑物上加建第三层楼。

    They wanted to heighten the building by the addition of a third storey .

  13. 我至今已建了三幢房屋。

    I have built three houses so far .

  14. 工人们在我们学校已经建了三座楼房,而且只用了两个月的时间。

    The workers have built three buildings in our school and that in two months .

  15. 介绍了安徽天大企业集团公司投建的三辊轧管机生产线的工艺流程及工艺设备特点。

    The characteristics of technology and equipment of domestic three-high pipe mill were intro - duced .

  16. 介绍了建井三处在平煤十矿新回风井井筒施工中采用单钧提升、手抱钻及相应的劳动组织、施工方法、施工工艺组织快速施工的经验。

    Single hook , drill , labor organization , construction method , construction craft organization were introduced during the construction of well .

  17. 距离塔身9000米(29000英尺)处建有三个掩体,旨在观测将要发生的核爆炸。

    Three bunkers were constructed 9000 meters ( 29000 ft ) away from the tower so that the impending explosion could be observed .

  18. 新华社消息,工程师们建了三个溢洪道来提升从湖里流出来的溢出物来保证这些泻出物超过进水量。

    Three spillways have been created by engineers to boost outflow from the lake to ensure it exceeds the amount of water coming in , according to Xinhua .

  19. 对治理荒山荒坡常用的封育、补播、重新建植三种方法进行了对比、调查和分析。

    This paper analyzes the effect of three harnessing measures on the degenerative hills and slopes in east Qinghai province , that is , blockage cultivation , supplemental seeding and replanting .

  20. 本文试验研究了胜利油田已建海堤三种典型断面和几种新堤结构方案的抗浪性能。

    Testing and study on resistance of both three typical sections of seawalls built alongside Sheng-li Oil Field and some new structures of seawalls to waves have been made in this paper .

  21. 介绍了构成机械手的主要组成部件,移动平台的机械体系结构建通过三条腿组成,每个腿通过三个相同的串行连接接头组成(包括普通-柱状-普通)。

    The mechanical elements which are necessary for the construction of manipulators are introduced , the architecture of the mechanism is being composed of a mobile platform attached to the base through three legs each composed of three identical jointed serial linkages ( comprised of universal-prismatic-universal ) .

  22. 同时,结合中建X局三公司的优劣势分析得出企业的竞争战略:发展成为建筑安装工程的施工总承包公司。

    Meanwhile , combinding analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of China Construction X Bureau the Third company , it concludes the proper enterprise competitive strategy : to develop into a general installation contractor company of construction projects .

  23. 在他的危房倒塌前,他已经将它建到了三层。

    He built three levels of his cardcastle before it collapsed .

  24. 人们建泳池有三个原因。

    There are three reasons why people get a pool .

  25. 论高校团建工作对三个代表思想的实践

    Practice of the Three Represent 's in the League Building Work of Colleges and Universities

  26. 我又开始在岛上自由自在地走动并给自己建了第三所房子。

    I began to move more freely around the island again , and built myself a third house .

  27. 然而当它完工时,又建了第三圈防御工事,比前一个稍微狭小些,所以从远处看,这个岛象一个巨大的婚礼蛋糕。

    When it was finished , yet a third ring of defences was built , slightly narrower than the one before , so that from faraway the island resembled an enormous wedding cake .

  28. 不少於建物有面的三分之一。

    Not less than one-third of the roofed-over area of the building .

  29. 三峡双线五级船闸完建工程是三峡三期工程建设的重要组成部分。

    The construction completion project of the Three Gorges two-way five-step ship lock is an important component of the Three Gorges Phase III project construction .

  30. 外朝有三大殿,这三大殿建在一个三层、8米高的大理石石台上。

    In the Outer Court , there are three main halls . The halls were built on an 8 metre high marble terrace with three tiers .