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qī yán shī
  • a poem with seven characters to a line
七言诗 [qī yán shī]
  • [a poem with seven characters to a line] 每句七个字的旧体诗,有七言古诗、七言律诗和七言绝句

七言诗[qī yán shī]
  1. 本文以七言诗形式翻译她的IfyouWereComingintheFall这首诗,以使更多的读者赏析到艾米莉爱情诗的魅力。

    This paper , in the form of seven Chinese characters every line , brings out the translation of her poem If You Were Coming in the Fall so as to make more and more Chinese readers appreciate the magic power to the love poem of Emily Dickson .

  2. 主要论及他的边塞诗和七言诗。

    This chapter mainly discusses his frontier poems and seven character poems .

  3. 在此基础上,本文分为三章展开论述。第一章是七言诗起源探微。

    On that basis , the article has three parts . Chapter one discussed the origin of poem with seven characters .

  4. 在分析刘孝威诗歌风格和技巧时,发现其四言、五言、七言、杂言诗都有,而且七言诗对唐代七言体诗的发展影响最大。

    Certain , seven-character and miscellaneous word poems have said , and the biggest influence to tang poem at the development of the body seven-character poems .

  5. 在他的影响下,后世的七言诗大放异彩,山水诗日臻成熟,唐代更是出现了边塞诗创作的高峰。

    Under his influence , future generations ' piece shine , landscape poetry are maturity , and frontier poetry composition is the peak in the Tang dynasty .

  6. 汉代出现了新的诗歌形式&乐府诗、五言诗和七言诗。

    Han Dynasty had emerged the new forms of poetry & YueFu poetry , poetry with five characters in a line and poetry with seven characters in a line .

  7. 爱好文学,创作和理论都有成就,代表作《燕歌行》是中国诗歌史上最早的一首七言诗。

    Interested in literature , he has got achievements in both writing and theory with his masterpiece A SONG OF THE YAN COUNTRY , the first seven-character poem in China .

  8. 曹丕之所以能在“五言腾涌”的时代独辟七言蹊径,一是因为七言诗增大了容量,能表现出复杂多变的感情;

    Cao Pi can produce seven-word poetry for three reasons . First , seven-word poetry contains more content than five-word poetry , therefore , it can show more complex and changeable feelings ;

  9. 汉镜铭文中的七言诗,文章在论述其之所以为诗的基础上,对其思想内容、发展过程、流行地域及特点作了全面考论;

    As to seven-character-line poetry of inscription on bronze mirror in the Han Dynasty , this section makes a comprehensive discussion on its thoughts , its development process , spreading regions , and its characteristics on the basis of the conviction that it can be called poetry .

  10. 在中国古代诗坛上,五、七言诗是诗歌的主流形式,而作为非主流形式的六言诗虽然未能如五、七言诗那样广泛流传,却以其独特的韵味,展现了另类的光彩。

    In ancient Chinese poem altar , five-character-ancient-verse poetry and seven-character-ancient-verse poetry are the dominant form of poem at that time . As the non-mainstream form , Six-character poetry , though not spread that widely , also shows its charm in different ways because of its unique flavor .