
  1. 他正把一张CD放入CD机中。

    He was slotting a CD into a CD player

  2. 一种设计张减机精轧孔型的经验方法

    A new design method of finishing pass of tube stitch reducer

  3. 无缝钢管张减过程张力对壁厚分布的影响一种设计张减机精轧孔型的经验方法

    Influence of Tension on Wall Thickness Distribution during Stretch Reducing of Seamless Tube A NEW DESIGN METHOD OF FINISHING PASS OF TUBE STITCH REDUCER

  4. 宽大的主卧配设有大量的储存空间,一张带有小抽屉机电脑连接器的书桌以及一条通往驾驶室的私人通道。

    The expansive master stateroom includes generous storage , a desk with vanity and computer connections , and a private entrance from the cockpit .