
  • 网络a word of advice
  1. 给你一句忠告,抱之前要问一下!

    A word of advice - ask before you hug !

  2. 在你走之前,我给你一句忠告。

    Before you depart , let me give you a word of advice .

  3. 再详细讨论使用XML的细节之前,首先给您一句忠告:XML不是一种简洁、快速和节省空间的格式。

    Before I get into the details of using XML , a short cautionary word is in order : XML is not a small , fast , space-saving format .

  4. 给你一句忠告:当心工会问题。

    Just a word of warning : look out for union problems .

  5. 一句忠告:选择一种设计是不同特性之间权衡的结果。

    A word of warning : Selecting a design can be a trade-off between different qualities .

  6. 大胆戴世伍德:看来这些超级变种人除了坚持以外一无是处,一句忠告,快跑别停下!

    Well , those supermutantas are persistent if nothing else ! A word of advice-keep running !

  7. 对于自底向上的分析,有一句忠告:您必须谨慎从事,不要盲目地公开现有的IT功能。

    A word of caution about bottom-up analysis : You have to be careful not to blindly expose existing IT capabilities .

  8. 我只有一句忠告,如果你真的那样做了,你可能会愤怒的退出房间。

    Now there 's only one more caution and I 'm going to assume , that if it happens , you will rage quit and walk out of the room .