
  1. 《鹿特丹规则》研究:制度创新与借鉴

    Study on the Rotterdam Rules : Institutional Innovation and Its Lessons

  2. 试论《鹿特丹规则》下托运人义务之强化

    Analysis of the strengthening of shipper 's obligations under the Rotterdam Rules

  3. 《鹿特丹规则》下贸易商权利与义务的变化

    Changes on the Right and Obligation of the Merchants under Rotterdam Rules

  4. 论《鹿特丹规则》下货物控制权的行使

    Probe on the Performance of the Right of Control under Rotterdam Rules

  5. 第三部分分析了《鹿特丹规则》下国际多式联运经营人的责任。

    Chapter three analyzes the multimodal transport operators ' responsibility .

  6. 第4章阐述了《鹿特丹规则》下承运人遭遇交货受阻时的权利义务。

    Chapter four elaborates the rights and obligations of carrier under frustration of delivery .

  7. 论权利转让&兼评《鹿特丹规则》第11章的规定

    On the Transfer of Rights & Comments on Chapter 11 of the Rotterdam Rules

  8. 对鹿特丹规则主要规范的法律周延性研究

    Study on the Comprehensive Nature of the Law under the Main Norms of Rotterdam Rules

  9. 第二部分论述了多式联运经营人在《鹿特丹规则》中的法律地位。

    Chapter two deals with the multimodal transport operators ' legal status under the Rotterdam Rules .

  10. 《鹿特丹规则》旨在建立统一国际海上货物运输规则。

    The purpose of the Rotterdam Ruler is to establish unified rules of international maritime transportation .

  11. 鹿特丹规则中几个法律问题的比较研究

    Comparative Study on The Rotterdam Rules

  12. 《鹿特丹规则》下混合原因致货物毁损时赔偿责任的分担

    The Share of Carrier 's Liability to Goods Damage for Mixed Reasons according to the Rotterdam Rules

  13. 《鹿特丹规则》之控制权的中国司法实践和立法反思

    Judicial practice in china and reflection of legislation upon the right of control in the Rotterdam Rules

  14. 中国应该认真研究、科学调研的基础上适时加入《鹿特丹规则》。

    China should add in the " Rotterdam Rules " properly after careful studies and scientific research .

  15. 《鹿特丹规则》下非海运区段不优先适用国内法之利弊分析

    Analysis on advantages and disadvantages of the cancellation of " application of national law " in Rotterdam Rules

  16. 在举证责任的分配上,《鹿特丹规则》向承运人做出一定程度的倾斜。

    In the allocation of burden of proof , Rotterdam rules tilt to the carrier to some extent .

  17. 第三,《鹿特丹规则》在记名提单货物交付方面做出了详细、系统的创新性规定。

    Thirdly , the Rotterdam Rules provides specific regulation about the delivery goods under a straight bill of lading .

  18. 第三节列举了《鹿特丹规则》关于承运人交货受阻时的救济方法的相关规定。

    The third section is about the provisions of the " Rotterdam Rules " on the failure of delivery .

  19. 通过对《鹿特丹规则》中与批量合同相关的条文进行分析,探讨和评论其中涉及的法律问题。

    This essay will discuss and comment on the legal issues involved by analyzing the relevant provisions considering volume contracts .

  20. 收货人提取货物的义务&兼评《鹿特丹规则》第43条收货人接受交货义务

    Consignee 's obligation to take delivery of goods & article 43 of the Rotterdam Rules on obligation to accept delivery

  21. 第3章介绍了《鹿特丹规则》有关无单放货问题的创新规定。

    Chapter three is about the new solution of Rotterdam Rules to the problem of delivering goods without bill of lading .

  22. 货物控制权制度,作为《鹿特丹规则》中的创新之处,成为学者们讨论焦点。

    The " right of control " as the essential innovation introduced by the Rotterdam Rulers has become the focal point of academic discussion .

  23. 在《鹿特丹规则》中,货物控制权的内容并不仅限于第十章,还包括其他相关制度。

    In the " Rotterdam Rules ", the right of control is not limited to Chapter 10 , but together with other related system .

  24. 《鹿特丹规则》首次将货物控制权制度引入海运公约,是国际海运法对电子商务背景下的国际贸易所作出的有益尝试。

    The Rotterdam Rules establishes the legal system of right of goods control for the first time in the field of international maritime transport .

  25. 《鹿特丹规则》作为一部前所未有综合性国际公约,其内容的广泛性和深度是现有相关公约所无法比拟的。

    " Rotterdam Rules " as an unprecedented comprehensive international convention , the breadth and depth of its content is unmatched in the existing relevant conventions .

  26. 《鹿特丹规则》是国际社会十年辛劳工作的结晶,也是一部先进的综合性公约,体现了极强的时代性和国际性。

    The Rotterdam Rules is the crystallization of ten-years hard work of the international society and it is a synthesized , modern and advanced international convention .

  27. 国际海运业承运人责任体制的传承与发展&《鹿特丹规则》承运人责任规定介评

    Preservation and development of carrier 's liability system under international carriage of goods by sea & an introduction and assessment of the carrier 's liability system under the Rotterdam Rules

  28. 第2章详细分析了《鹿特丹规则》下承运人在签发不同类型的运输单证或者电子运输记录时具体的交货义务,以及控制权对承运人交货义务的影响。

    Chapter two analyses specific obligations of the carrier when different transport documents or electronic transport records are issued under Rotterdam Rules , and the influence of Right of Control .

  29. 《鹿特丹规则》的一个创新之处在于将批量合同明确纳入了公约的调整范围,并对批量合同采取非强制适用的原则。

    One of the innovations of the Rotterdam rules is that the convention explicitly applies to volume contract and allows volume contracts to take a non-mandatory application under some conditions .

  30. 因而,如何划定海上货物运输合同的一方当事人&托运人的权利义务,使船货双方的利益能够实现新的平衡,成为《鹿特丹规则》所要解决的重要问题之一。

    One of the most significant issues that The Rotterdam Rules try to solve is how to delimit obligations of the shipper and balance the interests between the cargo and the ship .