
  1. 加强会计基础工作规范化建设努力提高企业财务管理水平

    Strengthening the accounting standardization work to improve financial management level

  2. 落实会计基础工作规范的对策

    Countermeasure of carrying out the basic accounting work standards

  3. 会计基础工作规范实践探讨

    Discussion on standardization of accounting groundwork

  4. 加强高校会计基础工作建立规范的会计工作秩序&浅谈会计基础工作的重要性

    Intensifying Basic Work of Accounting in Colleges and Establishing Standard Working Orders of Accounting & Discourse of Groundwork of Accounting

  5. 针对市场经济体制下会计监督所面临的法规不健全,会计基础工作不规范和会计信息失真等问题,我们的基本对策是,会计监督必须以财经法规为依据;

    In order to solute the problems that exist in the supervision to accounting in the Market Economy System , such as the imperfection of laws and regulations , the irregularity of the fundamental work of accounting .

  6. 会计电算化是会计工作的发展方向,开展会计电算化是促进会计基础工作规范化和提高经济效益的重要手段和有效措施。

    Computerization is the trend of accounting work , therefore developing accounting computerization is very important and an effective way for normalization of basic accounting work and the promotion of economic benefits .