
  1. 对WTO反倾销协议中倾销认定的解析

    An Analysis of the Confirmation to Dumping in WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement

  2. WTO反倾销协议中公共利益原则之确立

    The Establishment of Public Interest Principle in WTO Anti-dumping Agreement

  3. 运用WTO反倾销协议保护我国企业利益

    Protect the Enterprises Interest by Using WTO 's " Antidumping Agreement "

  4. WTO《反倾销协议》是世界贸易组织反倾销法律框架的核心。

    WTO Anti-dumping Agreement is the core of WTO Anti-agreement legal systems .

  5. 论WTO《反倾销协议》实体规范的完善

    The Revision of Entity Norms of the Agreement of Anti-dumping

  6. 试论WTO反倾销协议的完善

    The Improvement of Anti - Dumping Agreements under WTO

  7. 关于运用WTO《反倾销协议》保护我国石化产业的建议

    Suggestions on Protecting Our Petrochemical Industry by Applying WTO 's Anti Dumping Agreement

  8. WTO反倾销协议对所有的WTO成员国都有约束力。

    WTO anti-dump agreement contains the sanction to all member country of WTOs .

  9. 对WTO《反倾销协议》若干问题的认识

    The View of WTO Anti - dumping Agreement

  10. 接着,笔者对WTO反倾销协议中的司法审查制度的做出了现实的解读。

    Then it explains the Judicial Review System in the Anti-dumping agreements of the WTO .

  11. WTO《反倾销协议》改革

    WTO Anti - Dumping Agreement Reform

  12. WTO《反倾销协议》的实施机制

    Enforcement of WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement

  13. 世界贸易组织(WTO)《反倾销协议》对于反倾销税的计征规则非常笼统。

    The calculate-levy rules of Anti-dumping duty in WTO prescribed in Agreement Anti-dumping has an exceedingly broad frame .

  14. WTO反倾销协议允许成员国在倾销造成国内产业实质性损害或产生实质性损害威胁时采取反倾销措施。

    WTO Anti-dumping Agreement allows members to resort to anti-dumping measures when their domestic industries face material injuries from dumping imports .

  15. 文章分析了WTO反倾销协议的改革路径,指出比较现实的途径是对现行的WTO反倾销规则进行修改。

    The article analyzes the reform avenues of WTO Anti-dumping Agreement and points out that one feasible way is to amend the current WTO anti-dumping rules .

  16. WTO反倾销协议第13条对各成员国国内立法建立反倾销司法审查制度提出了明确要求。

    WTO anti-dumping agreement has put forward the clear request for its member to set up the system of anti-dumping judicial review in its article 13 .

  17. 其次,介绍损害要件在WTO《反倾销协议》和各国反倾销法中的规定,为后面的论述做背景知识铺垫。

    The next , introduced constitutive requirements of injury determination in WTO and anti-dumping law of any other countries in order to pave the way for the latter study .

  18. WTO《反倾销协议》诞生后,世界各国应用反倾销出现了大体上统一,细节上又各自不同的趋势。

    After WTO " Anti-Dumping Agreement " was born , it was the trend that anti-dumping execution was unified as a whole and only a little difference on detail .

  19. 为此,国内企业在中国加入WTO之际,应学会逐步运用WTO规则中的反倾销协议,维护企业自身的权益。

    China has become the biggest casualty now , so that we must study and make use of the WTO antidumping rule in order to protect our enterprise benefit .

  20. 为此中国必须在WTO《反倾销协议》的框架内,挥起反倾销之剑加大反倾销力度,为国内产业创造一个公平的竞争环境。

    Just for the reason , in the frame of WTO " Anti-Dumping Agreement ", China must strengthen anti-dumping dynamics , in order to create a fair competition environment for domestic industry .

  21. 特别是1995年WTO成立以来,各成员方根据世贸组织反倾销协议规定的内容,纷纷制定、修改或完善了各自的反倾销法律。

    Since the founding of WTO , 1995 , every member of WTO has established , amended and perfected their own anti-dumping , measures one after another according to WTO agreement on anti-dumping .

  22. WTO《反倾销协议》扩展了倾销原有的界定范围,规定低于成本出口属于非正常贸易行为,可以通过实施制裁来维护公平竞争。

    The WTO Agreement on Antidumping extends the former definition on dumping and stipulates that exportation at the price below production costs should be regarded as abnormal trade conduct and be counteracted to maintain the fair competition .

  23. 文章以WTO反倾销协议为法律依据,介绍了倾销与反倾销的概念、要件、国际反倾销的现状与特点,并分析了中国企业受到较多反倾销调查的原因。

    Based on WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement , the author introduces concept and essential factors of dumping and anti-dumping , narrates international anti-dumping condition and characteristics , and analyses the reason why Chinese enterprises suffer more anti-dumping prosecution .

  24. 价格承诺是GATTWTO反倾销协议允许使用的贸易救济措施。作为对反倾销税的一种替代措施,价格承诺在不同国家或地区反倾销中的运用频率存在较大差异。

    Price undertakings are a trade remedy permitted by the GATT / WTO antidumping agreements and , as substitute for antidumping duties , have been used in antidumping proceedings by different countries or regions in varied frequencies .

  25. 但,该法令只是不完整地重复WTO反倾销协议(简称ADA)的各项规定,所以该法令的内容相当简单。

    VN enacted " ordinances against dumping imports " . But this ordinance is just a repetition imperfect provisions of anti-dumping agreement of the WTO ( referred to as ADA ), so the ordinance is relatively simple ordinance .

  26. 本文首先介绍了世贸组织中的两个评审标准的产生及其历史背景,然后对反倾销协议中的单独评审标准与WTO中普遍性评审标准之间的相互关系,进行一个简单的理论分析和证明。

    This thesis at First discuss the background and the production of the two WTO Standard of Review , and then make out a research and proving for the relationship between the unique Anti & Dumping Standard of Review and the general Standard of Review .

  27. WTO《反倾销协议》规定熏在进行如反倾销协议确定的比较价格可能存在特殊困难熏可以使用替代国的价格。

    The Agreement on Anti-dumping of WTO stipulates : In the case of imports from a country which has a complete or substantially complete monopoly of its trade and where all domestic prices are fixed by the State , special difficulties may exist in determining price comparability .

  28. 本文参照WTO《反倾销协议》、欧盟和美国等国家的反倾销法,采用比较分析的方法,对我国反倾销实体法和程序法中存在的主要问题进行论述,并提出完善的建议。

    By comparing with the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement , EU and American anti-dumping law , the author carefully analyzes the important substantive issues as well as the procedural aspects of Chinese anti-dumping legislation including determination of dumping , determination of injury , public interest , judicial review system .

  29. 根据WTO反倾销协议以及世界各国反倾销法的规定,实质性损害的裁定应基于以下三个方面因素的详细审查:倾销进口产品的数量、价格,以及对进口国同类产品生产商的影响。

    According to WTO anti-dumping law and anti-dumping laws of the countries in the world , rules on material injury are based on three factors as follows : volume of dumping imports , price of dumping imports , and consequence to the like product producers of importing countries .

  30. 我国的司法审查制度基本符合WTO协议的规定,但亦存在需要完善之处,尤其是与WTO《反倾销协议》相联系的司法审查制度十分薄弱。

    It is held in this paper that the judicial review system of our country is basically in accordance with that regulated in WTO agreement , but there is something in it to be completed , especially the part that linked with WTO < Anti-dumping Agreement > is quite weak .