
  1. 凭借先进的生产技术,他们得以占据竞争优势。

    Through superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge .

  2. 只有通过控制成本,美国才能保持对其他国家的竞争优势。

    Only by keeping down costs will America maintain its competitive advantage over other countries

  3. 组织文化(指企业等经济组织里的文化)是支持竞争优势的核心力量的基础。

    Organisational can be the basis of corn competences underpinning competitive advantage .

  4. 这款集成了STANDBY待机功能的VFD驱动芯片,已经在市场上显示出了较大的竞争优势。

    Such VFD controller-driver integrated STANDBY function has showed a relative great competition advantage .

  5. 应对WTO挑战的最基础性工作之一,是打造大学的核心竞争力,提升我国高教的国际竞争优势。

    One of the most essential tasks to face the challenges of WTO is to build key competitive abilities of universities and to enhance international competitive advantages of higher education in our country .

  6. 参照SCP理论,零售企业应做大做强,发挥规模效益,加强竞争优势。

    With the reference of SCP , enterprises of retail industry should bring their advantages of scale into full play and strengthen competitive power , developing themselves bigger and stronger .

  7. 正是基于资源基础观(RBV)的分析,我们认为战略人力资源管理是企业赢得持续竞争优势的关键。

    Founded on the resource-based view , strategic human resource management is the key to an enterprise 's obtaining sustained competitive advantages .

  8. 在此背景下,工程公司为获取持续竞争优势,纷纷引进和吸收先进的项目成本管理理论和方法,作为EPC工程总承包项目管理的重要手段。

    Against this background , engineering companies to obtain continuing competitive advantage , successively introduce and absorb advanced project cost management theory and methods , EPC works as an important means of the total project management contract .

  9. 企业资源基础论的主要代表人物巴尼(JayBarney,1991)强调那些能动的、整合性的无形资源或组织资源是企业竞争优势的核心价值和关键意义。

    The enterprise resources foundation discusses representative personage Jay Barney , emphasized these could move , merges " the invisible resources " or " the organization resources " was the key factor in enterprise competition superiority .

  10. 本文分析了Kodak公司在通过98协议提高行业进入壁垒的基础上,如何设计、发展和维护营销渠道,从而形成了其在中国民用感光行业市场中长期的竞争优势。

    Based on the analyzing the Kodak Company advancing the barrier through the " 98 contract ", the paper focuses on Kodak Company how to design , develop , and maintain the marketing channels so that the company could sustain competitive advantages in consumer imagine industry in China .

  11. 竞争优势持续期预期模型(MCAP)的实证分析表明,我国上市银行竞争优势普遍较弱,而这与它们各自的实际经营绩效基本相符。

    Based on the Model of Competitive Advantage Period ( MCAP ), the paper analyzes the competitiveness of listed banks and draws a conclusion that their competitiveness is low , that accords with the banks'performance .

  12. 打造企业核心竞争力培育市场竞争优势

    Creating the Enterprise Core Competitiveness and Cultivating the Market Competitive Superiority

  13. 探索管理模式,创造竞争优势;

    Should explore the management model and create the competitive advantage ;

  14. 大规模定制:竞争优势、实现条件和基本策略

    Mass Customization : Competition Advantage , Executive Conditions and Basic Tactics

  15. 企业知识是企业持续竞争优势的源泉。

    Knowledge is the source of sustainable competitive advantages in firms .

  16. 版权制度促进了文化产业成长和壮大,使之成为美国国际竞争优势的重要源泉。

    It makes itself become the source of international competition advantage .

  17. 建筑陶瓷企业的竞争优势及战略定位分析

    Analysis on competitive advantages and strategic localization of building ceramic enterprises

  18. 创新人力资源管理增强企业竞争优势

    Innovating Human Resource Management and Strengthening the Enterprise Competitive Advantages

  19. 人力资本竞争优势与战略成本管理

    The manpower capital competition superiority and the strategic cost management

  20. 实施成本领先战略打造低成本竞争优势

    Actualizing Cost Lead Stratagem for Creating Low Cost Competitive Advantages

  21. 提升服务质量,取得竞争优势;

    The promotion of service quality and the gain of competition superiority ;

  22. 构筑企业核心能力,打造企业竞争优势

    To Construct Enterprises Focus Ability and Create Enterprises Competitive Advantages

  23. 围绕核心竞争优势建立企业知识管理流程

    Establishing Corporate Knowledge Management Process in Accordance with Its Core Competitive Capabilities

  24. 第二,中资银行的制度约束限制了自身的竞争优势;

    Second , some institutional weakness restricts domestic banks ' competitive advantages .

  25. 持续竞争优势:企业能力与环境的融合进化

    Sustainable Competitive Advantage : Integration of Enterprise 's Competence and the Environment

  26. 知识是保持竞争优势的一种必要的资源。

    Knowledge is a necessary resource for keeping competitive advantage .

  27. 企业知识存量是保持企业竞争优势的可持续的资源。

    Knowledge stocks are sustainable resource for enterprises to remain competitive advantage .

  28. 竞争优势和持久竞争优势是目前理论界和实业界关注的焦点问题之一。

    Competition advantage and Sustainable competition Advantage are the focus issue currently .

  29. 企业衍生、资源继承与竞争优势

    Enterprise 's derivation , resource inheritance and competitive advantages

  30. 产业集群的区域竞争优势及培育

    About Industrial Cluster 's Regional Competitive Advantages and Cultivation