
  1. 首先谈谈《基业长青》(BuilttoLast)而不是《从优秀到卓越》(GoodtoGreat)。

    But , I can say two things now .

  2. 也许仍能打造出一家基业长青的公司&规模堪与谷歌和微软(Microsoft)媲美。

    He may still build a company for the ages & one that is as large as Google or Microsoft ( MSFT ) .

  3. 本文从BSC的理论出发并结合BSC的实施经验,认为BSC可以解决上述两个战略管理难题,即提升战略执行力和实现企业基业长青。

    In this paper , the theory of BSC implementation experience combined with BSC , the BSC strategic management can solve these two problems , namely , to enhance strategic execution and implementation of enterprise Everlasting .

  4. 竞争力一直被认为是企业基业长青的秘诀所在。

    Competitiveness has long been seen as the key of success for enterprises .

  5. 只有少数企业能够实现基业长青,仍显示出旺盛的生命力。

    Only a few companies able to achieve lasting forever , still shows vigorous vitality .

  6. 如何打造基业长青的企业

    On How to Construct Everlasting Enterprises

  7. 一家小公司的首席执行官决定,需要一条纪念他们基业长青的格言。

    The CEO of a small company decided they needed a motto to commemorate their longevity in the industry .

  8. (在《基业长青》中),我们研究了历史上最伟大的一些创业者。

    First , go back to " built to last " more so than " good to great " .

  9. 可以说,如何使得家族企业能够基业长青,一直是困扰华人家族企业成长发展的重大难题。

    Say , how to make the family business to Built to Last is always a major problem for Chinese family enterprise growth .

  10. 高品质,健全和基业长青,罗德高温超导门单位提供单或双门单位。

    High quality , robust and built to last , R ö DER HTS door units are supplied as single or double door units .

  11. 思维,是撼动经济增长和社会发展的原动力,更是基业长青的终极力量。

    Thinking , the original impetus of prompting economic growth and social development , is as well the ultimate force of founding an evergreen business .

  12. 一个企业怎样才能备受公众和投资者的青睐?企业怎么经营才能基业长青?是众多企业家值得深思的问题。

    How would an enterprise come into the favor of the public and investors ? How would an enterprise run its business to make itself evergreen ?

  13. 其中,企业R&D投资已成为衡量企业创新能力和发展潜力的重要标志,它是企业在激烈的市场竞争中取得长期优势,甚至基业长青的有利保障。

    R & D investment , which means a strong guarantee for long-term advantages , is an important symbol in measuring business innovation capability and potential development .

  14. 企业要谋求长期生存与不断发展,必须建立完善的企业文化体系,实现企业基业长青的梦想。

    The enterprises strive for long-term existence and uninterrupted growth , so we must establish the perfect enterprise culture system to make the business management fit for the situation .

  15. 在《从优秀到卓越》和《基业长青》中,的确有部分内容的研究过程改变着我自身。

    And there are a number of things in " good to great " and " built to last " and so forth that I could see changing me as we studied them .

  16. 企业要在日益激烈的竞争中取胜,要想基业长青,归根到底要依赖于企业自身的能力,而企业的能力则来自于组织流程。

    To get victory in the day-by-day furious competition , or being long live , it finally depends on the abilities owned by enterprise itself . While enterprise ability comes from the organization flow .

  17. 现代企业要实现基业长青,必须具备两个基本条件:一是信息化平台,二是现代企业管理理念和技术。

    The modern enterprise can realize the business built to last , there must have two basic conditions : one is the information platform , other is the modern business management idea and technology .

  18. 企业想打造百年老店、保持基业长青并实现大的发展,必须从自身实际出发,大力培育和增强企业的核心竞争力,以迎接经济全球化和各方面竞争的挑战。

    To keep constant and big development , enterprise needs to be based on its actual condition , develop and enhance its core competitive power to meet the challenge of economic globalization and fierce contest .

  19. 危机无处不在,危机无时不存,树立强烈的危机意识,夯实化解危机的本领,建立快速反应机制,是企业基业长青的根本保证。

    Crisis everywhere , all times keep the crisis , foster a strong sense of crisis , strengthening the ability to defuse the crisis , a rapid response mechanism is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise Everlasting .

  20. 全球经济一体化的竞争推动着创新,国有企业的市场化转型需要创新,创新和创新管理将成为中国企业基业长青的必要选择。

    The economic globalization and international competition impel to innovate ; State-owned enterprises marketability reforming need to innovate , the innovation and the innovation management will become an essential choice for Chinese enterprise Built to Last .

  21. 企业文化是企业生存和发展的必要条件,是建立企业核心竞争力的前提与基础,更是企业实现基业长青的根本保障。

    Corporate culture is essential prerequisite of corporate survival and development and it is the basis of establishing corporate core competitive advantage . In addition , corporate culture ensures a corporation to achieve building to last .

  22. 企业要想实现基业长青就必须建立系统的、科学的企业文化,打造企业核心竞争力,实现企业科学发展、可持续发展。

    In order to achieve the everlasting development , enterprises must establish a systematic and scientific culture , so as to build the core competitiveness of enterprises that helps enterprises achieving the scientific and sustainable development .

  23. 企业文化是一个企业的灵魂与统帅。它是企业基业长青的根本,是企业生命力与活力的源泉,是企业创新与变革的不竭动力,是企业未来发展蓝图的框架与基调。

    The corporate culture is the soul and captain of an enterprise , the headspring of enterprise vitality and activity , the endless drive for enterprise innovating and transforming , the frame and keynote of enterprise future development blueprint .

  24. 他最爱的两本书是石黑一雄的《长日将尽》和吉姆-科林斯与杰里-波勒斯合著的《基业长青》。

    He cites 2 books as among his most favourites , namely – ' The Remains of the Day ' by Kazuo Ishiguro and ' Built to Last : Successful Habits of Visionary Companies ' by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras .

  25. 基业长青是企业的共同愿望,然而杜邦、三井、同仁堂等长寿公司却凤毛麟角,大部分企业在初创期夭折,要么就是在经历一段时间的高速增长后销声匿迹。

    Everlasting is the common aspiration of enterprises , but the longevity companies such as DuPont , Mitsui and Tong Ren Tang are rare . The majority of enterprises fell down in the start-up period or disappeared after a period of rapid growth .

  26. 内外部环境日新月异的变化使得现代组织必须不断采取变革以获得竞争优势,保持基业长青;组织变革成败直接关乎企业的生命。

    The rapid changes of the internal and external environment make it a must for the modern organizations continue to change in order to gain a competitive advantage and maintain everlasting . Success of organizational change is directly related to the life span of enterprises .

  27. 圣翰财贸职业学院在这种机遇与挑战并存的时代背景下,圣翰学院的发展必须遵循市场竞争规则,以企业需求为核心,走品牌院校之路,才能永续发展,基业长青。

    S.H Vocational College of Finance and Trade Opportunities and challenges in this context of the times , S.H Institute of market competition , development must follow the rules to business needs as the core , take the road of brand institutions to sustainable development , Built to Last .

  28. 本文希望通过以上的研究分析,能够帮助中国企业从品牌社群的角度重新建立顾客忠诚培养体系,从而获取竞争优势,能够积极应对风云变换的国际、国内市场环境,使企业基业长青。

    Through the above analysis , the author hopes that it can help the Chinese community service enterprises establish a customer loyalty training system in the angle of brand community . And it is good to gain competitive advantage and to actively respond to the transformation of international market environment .