- adv.不可避免地;逃不掉地

On the one hand , I believe that art is inescapably political .
The new council was inescapably of political meaning . The ideology of the political left .
As a result , individual stock prices are inescapably tied to movements of the market .
Foreign policy is inescapably difficult .
Movie magic can defy reality , but actors are inescapably human .
But to say that modern tax systems are inescapably complex does not mean that tax systems need be as complex as they are .
They believe that their fate , and the fate of all people , is inescapably linked to the fate of the environment ;
In the course of the introduction of Buddhism to China , these metaphors and similes were inescapably influenced by Chinese and Indian cultures .
I think that except for some objective causes , the unconscionable governmental act and the ill-supervision are inescapably responsible for that .
I mean that on days like this , we remember that we are all part of a continuum , inescapably connected by the ties that bind .
Inflationary meltdown is not inevitable . But a move back to healthier US public finances depends , inescapably , on a strong recovery in the US economy .
Only Eille Norwood in the 1920s ever came close . And also , because he became so enveloped in the role . He was inescapably Holmes .
When the court deals with social policy decisions , the law it shapes is inescapably political & which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily dismissed as partisan .
It is a gamble because a foreign national will be assuming a job that is inescapably political and , in the current difficult economic and financial circumstances of the UK , even more political than usual .
A community-type , as a class-concept , is inescapably an abstraction .
The rapid development of modern dissemination makes literature art more intermediary . In the communication era , literature classics experience inescapably tremendous change in the field of reading . Reading from the text is gradually replaced by from TV images .
The Olympic Games are inescapably a political as well as a sporting event , but the flames of the torch on its troubled passage have merely evaporated the little that remained of the elusive Olympic spirit .