- v.使失去正常生活(或工作)能力
- incapacitate的现在分词

All patients suffered from persistent severe back and thoracic pain , 12 patients with incapacitating .
However , if your anxiety escalates , you may find the energy of your stress to be incapacitating .
Tess Durbeyfield 's experience was of this incapacitating kind .
Discussing the possibility of using fentanyl and its anologs as incapacitating agents in Anti-Terrorist Operations
It can accompany many other diagnoses , such as depression , and it can be persistent and incapacitating .
boarding them , fighting , drowning , and incapacitating their foes until only one faction was left standing .
More than 1 in 10 adults globally are affected by migraines , which can be incapacitating , according to the World Health Organization .
When period cramps are incapacitating , so they prevent you from going to work , they prevent you from going to school , they require you to take medications .
This is a breed that has no gross or incapacitating exaggerations and therefore there is no inherent reason for lack of balance or unsound movement .
" This study therefore supports the rationale for future assessment of inhaled furosemide as a therapeutic intervention for patients with COPD with incapacitating dyspnea ," the authors add .
Combined Neurolytic Block of Celiac and Superior Hypogastric Plexuses for Incapacitating Abdominal and / or Pelvic Pain The Clinic Application of Celiac Ganglia Block under CT Guidance
The coastal mountain ranges of Costa Rica had long confined dengue fever , a mosquito born disease accompanied by incapacitating bone pain , to the country 's Pacific shore .
I 've had a bad stomach-ache and a terrible headache for two days . Combined Neurolytic Block of Celiac and Superior Hypogastric Plexuses for Incapacitating Abdominal and / or Pelvic Pain
The effect of sparing pelvic plexus during radical hysterectomy on the voiding function of bladder Combined Neurolytic Block of Celiac and Superior Hypogastric Plexuses for Incapacitating Abdominal and / or Pelvic Pain
This paper introduced the development of special antitank munition . and described the wide wave band smoke screen , the smoke camouflage system , the highspeed plating bag infrared countermeasure , the infrared illuminant composition and the antitank incapacitating technique .