- adv.勇于承担地

She tried gamely to finish the race .
He gamely defended his organisation 's decision .
Mary Ann smiled at her gamely
He very gamely attempted to finish the race , despite his injury .
CEA is gamely talking up the prospects of enhanced profitability with SIA on board .
The book gamely tries to avoid moralizing .
Fletcher smoothly at his right wing , Henry Calvin struggling gamely at his left .
The vicar rose gamely to the challenge .
She gamely waited through seven other acts , laughing at the funny bits , smiling through the rest .
I persuaded a colleague to go and we gamely took the Tube to Arsenal station with absolutely no idea whether there would be tickets .
Inside the arena , hopeful souvenir vendors were gamely trying to sell fuzzy hats and rainbow-fingered gloves .
Obama smiled gamely ; if he felt Silva was rubbing it in a bit , he didn 't let on .
He was seen by a shepherd , gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San doloroso .
I love it because each day I decide , sometimes gamely , and sometimes against the moment 's reason , to cleave to the reasons for living .
The first few days I was here , I would gamely roll out my Yoga mat every morning , but found I could only look at it and laugh .
Mr Schiller put on a gamely performance , but in subtle ways the absence of Mr Jobs , a consummate showman , was felt throughout .
The 23-year-old Ukrainian is gamely answering questions in our private Internet chat room , which is costing me about a buck a minute .
Republicans are gamely trying to spin the fiscal cliff deal as a victory & 99 % of the Bush tax cuts enshrined as permanent !
He gamely poses for photos & almost always with his arms at his side , superhero-style , and always with that toothy showbiz smile .
At first misunderstanding the question , the president then got the meaning and gamely replied : " I bring a great admiration for Chinese civilisation and I bring greetings from the American people . "
While she gamely tried to maintain her poise and dignity , Philip , the Princess Royal and Princes Charles and Harry fought a losing battle to stifle their mirth .
He takes a sip , before gamely attempting an answer . Well , he has a modern outlook , so he gives a sense that he is modern , and with him being in the communications and the IT business gives that feel .
Helewa , who gamely climbed atop a sample , claimed that the heavy-duty version is able to withstand a weight of200 kg and usage of20 hours a day , after it was tested by four armies .
He was seen by a shepherd , gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso . The festival is celebrated by the Kazak ethnic minority group , held in the fist lunar month .
Jolie is a past master at not betraying her emotions on awards night-she also smiled gamely at the Golden Globes when Kate Winslet forgot her name and referred to her as " the other one " .