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美 [ˈdiːpli]英 [ˈdiːpli]
  • adv.深深地;非常;(与某些动词连用)深刻地,强烈地,深沉地;极其;至深处;很

deep adj.深的 + -ly ...地





very; very much

She is deeply religious.


They were deeply disturbed by the accident.


Opinion is deeply divided on this issue.


deeply rooted customs/ideas

根深蒂固的习俗 / 思想

deeply held beliefs/convictions/views (= that sb feels very strongly)

坚定不移的信仰 / 信念 / 观点


used with some verbs to show that sth is done in a very complete way

to breathe/sigh/exhale deeply (= using all of the air in your lungs)


sleep deeply (= in a way that makes it difficult for you to wake up)


to think deeply (= about all the aspects of sth)



to a depth that is quite a long way from the surface of sth

to drill deeply into the wood


The adverbs deep and deeply can both mean ‘a long way down or into something’. Deep can only mean this and is more common than deeply in this sense. It is usually followed by a word like into or below . 副词deep和deeply均含由上到下或从外到里距离大的意思。deep只含此义,而且用于此义时较deeply通用,其后通常接into或below:

We decided to go deeper into the jungle.


Deeply usually means ‘very much’. 表示人的本性、心地可用deep down(但不能用deeply):

deeply in love


deeply shocked


She can seem stern, but deep down she’s a very kind person.


She can seem stern, but deeply she’s a very kind person.



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED (从上到下)深的,厚的
    If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something.

    The water is very deep and mysterious-looking...


  • There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost...


  • 3
    ADJ-GRADED (从前到后)深的,宽的
    A deep container, such as a cupboard, extends or measures a long distance from front to back.

    The wardrobe was very deep.


  • 4
    ADJ-GRADED 有…深的
    You use deep to talk or ask about how much something measures from the surface to the bottom, or from front to back.

    I found myself in water only three feet deep...

    我发现脚下的水只有 3 英尺深。

  • 5
    ADV-GRADED 深入地;在(或至)深处
    Deep in an area means a long way inside it

    They were now deep inside rebel territory.


  • 6
    ADJ-GRADED (足球、网球等运动中球)纵深的,靠近对方端线的
    In sports such as football and tennis, a deep shot or pass is one that sends the ball a long way towards the end of the pitch or court.

    ...Steve Staunton's deep cross.


  • 7
    ADV 成…排地;有…层地
    If you say that things or people are two ,three, or four deep, you mean that there are two, three, or four rows or layers of them there.

    A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors...


  • 8
    ADJ-GRADED 严重的;深切的;深厚的;深深的
    You use deep to emphasize the seriousness, strength, importance, or degree of something.

    I had a deep admiration for Sartre...


  • Our meetings and conversations left me deeply depressed...


  • 10
    ADV-GRADED 在内心深处;在心底
    If you experience or feel something deep inside you or deep down, you feel it very strongly even though you do not necessarily show it.

    I kept reassuring them but deep in my heart I knew we had no hope...


  • 11
    ADJ-GRADED (睡眠)沉的,酣的
    If you are in a deep sleep, you are sleeping peacefully and it is difficult to wake you.

    Una soon fell into a deep sleep.


  • She slept deeply but woke early.


  • 13
    ADJ-GRADED 沉浸在…中的;专注于…的;埋头于…的
    If you are deep in thought or deep in conversation, you are concentrating very hard on what you are thinking or saying and are not aware of the things that are happening around you.

    Abby had been so deep in thought that she had walked past her aunt's car without even seeing it...


  • 14
    ADJ (目光)锐利的,深邃的
    A deep look seems to see right into your mind.

    Peter gave him a long deep look.


  • That's when he turned to me, looked deeply into my eyes and said, 'Something's happening and we both feel it, don't we?'


  • 16
    ADJ-GRADED (呼吸或叹息)深重的,深长的
    A deep breath or sigh uses or fills the whole of your lungs.

    Cal took a long, deep breath, struggling to control his own emotions...


  • She sighed deeply and covered her face with her hands.


  • 18
    COMB in COLOUR (颜色)深的,浓的
    You use deep to describe colours that are strong and fairly dark.

    The sky was deep blue and starry...


  • 19
    ADJ-GRADED (声音)深沉的,低沉的
    A deep sound is low in pitch.

    His voice was deep and mellow...


  • 20
    ADJ-GRADED (人)深沉的,内敛的
    If you describe someone as deep, you mean that they are quiet and reserved in a way that makes you think that they have good qualities such as intelligence or determination.

    James is a very deep individual...


  • 21
    ADJ-GRADED (问题、文章等)重要的,严肃的,深刻的
    If you describe something such as a problem or a piece of writing as deep, you mean that it is important, serious, or complicated.

    This is a very deep question...


  • 22
    ADV-GRADED 深陷(债务等中)
    If you are deep in debt, you have a lot of debts.

    He is so deep in debt and desperate for money that he's apparently willing to say anything...


  • Because of her medical and her legal bills, she is now penniless and deeply in debt.


  • 24
    N-SING 海洋;大海
    The deep means the sea.

    ...a vast unfrequented pool, traversed by whales and creatures of the deep.


  • 25
    PHRASE 在内心深处,在心底(知道)
    If you know something deep down or deep down inside, you know that it is true, but you are not always conscious of it or willing to admit it to yourself.

    We knew deep down that we could do it...


  • 26
    PHRASE 深吸一口气(以使自己坚强自信)
    If you say that you took a deep breath before doing something dangerous or frightening, you mean that you tried to make yourself feel strong and confident.

    I took a deep breath and went in.


  • 27
    PHRASE 非常严重;极为强烈;根深蒂固
    If you say that something goes deep or runs deep, you mean that it is very serious or strong and is hard to change.

    His anger and anguish clearly went deep...


  • 28
    in at the deep end→ see:end


to a great depth psychologically
They felt the loss deeply
Synonym: profoundly
to a great depth;ar down
dived deeply
dug deep
Synonym: deep


  1. We were deeply moved by her plight .


  2. He inhaled deeply on another cigarette .


  3. She had thought very deeply about this problem .


  4. They were deeply affected by the news of her death .


  5. She was deeply involved with the local hospital .


  6. I didn 't realize but he was deeply unhappy at that time .


  7. The President is deeply concerned about this issue .


  8. She felt her mother 's death very deeply .


  9. These attitudes are deeply embedded in our society .


  10. She was deeply apprehensive that something might go wrong .


  11. Opinion is deeply divided on this issue .


  12. His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences .


  13. His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers .


  14. I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy .


  15. I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help .


  16. She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party .


  17. It was clear that the letter had deeply distressed her .


  18. The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate .


  19. Her story touched us all deeply .


  20. We were deeply saddened by the news of her death .


  21. Racism is still deeply rooted in our society .


  22. I deeply regret what I said .


  23. She cares deeply about environmental issues .


  24. I was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news .


  25. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply .


  26. They were deeply disturbed by the accident .


  27. She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks .


  28. She is deeply religious .


  29. He sat back and exhaled deeply .


  30. Lie flat and breathe deeply .



deepen v. (使情感、感觉等)加强,变强烈

deep adj.深的 + -en 动词后缀


actually adv. 事实上

actual adj.实际存在的 + -ly ...地

angrily adv. 生气地

angr(y) 生气的 + -ly ...地

beautifully adv. 美丽地

beautiful adj.美的 + -ly ...地

carefully adv. 小心

careful adj.小心的 + -ly ...地

certainly adv. 当然

certain adj.有把握的 + -ly ...地

clearly adv. 清晰地

clear adj.清晰的 + -ly ...地

completely adv. 彻底地

complete adj.齐全的 + -ly ...地

correctly adv. 正确地

correct adj.正确的 + -ly ...地

directly adv. 直接地

direct adj.直达的 + -ly ...地

easily adv. 容易地

easy adj.容易的 + -ly ...地

especially adv. 尤其地

especial adj.特别的 + -ly ...地

exactly adv. 确切地

exact adj.确切的 + -ly ...地

finally adv. (用于列举)最后

final adj.最后的 + -ly ...地

gently adv. 轻轻地

gentle adj.温和的 + -ly ...地

happily adv. 快乐地

happ(y) 快乐的;高兴的 + -i- + -ly ...地

hardly adv. 几乎不

hard adj.坚实的 + -ly ...地

heavily adv. 沉重地

heavy adj.沉重 + -ly ...地

immediately adv. 立即

immediate adj.立即的 + -ly ...地

lonely adj. 孤独的

lone adj.孤独无伴的 + -ly ...地

loudly adv. 大声地

loud adj.喧闹的 + -ly ...地

luckily adv. 幸运的是

lucky adj.有好运的 + -ly ...地

mainly adv. 主要地

main adj.主要的 + -ly ...地

nearly adv. 几乎

near adv.近 + -ly ...地

politely adv. 有礼貌地

polite adj.有礼貌的 + -ly ...地

possibly adv. 可能地

possible adj.办得到的 + -ly ...地

probably adv. 可能

probab(le) 很可能的 + -ly ...地

properly adv. 正确地

proper adj.真正的 + -ly ...地

quickly adv. 迅速地

quick adj.快的 + -ly ...地

quietly adv. 安静地

quiet adj.安静的 + -ly ...地

rarely adv. 很少地

rare adj.稀有的 + -ly ...地

really adv. 真正地, 确实地

real adj.真实的 + -ly ...地

recently adv. 不久前

recent adj.最近的 + -ly ...地

sadly adv. 悲哀地

sad adj.悲伤的 + -ly ...地

seriously adv. 认真地

serious adj.严肃的 + -ly ...地

slowly adv. 慢速地

slow adj.低速的 + -ly ...地

softly adv. 轻轻地

soft adj.易弯曲的 + -ly ...地

suddenly adv. 突然

sudden 突然的 + -ly ...地

usually adv. 通常

usual 平常的 + -ly ...地

widely adv. 普遍地

wide adj.宽的 + -ly ...地

deliberately adv. 故意

deliberate adj.有意的 + -ly ...地

eventually adv. 最后

eventual adj.最终的 + -ly ...地

firmly adv. 坚决地

firm 强 + -ly ...地

gradually adv. 逐步地

gradual adj.缓慢的 + -ly ...地

lately adv. 最近

late adj.晚的 + -ly ...地

mentally adv. 精神上

mental adj.精神的 + -ly ...地

merely adv. 仅仅

mere adj.只不过 + -ly ...地

multiply v.

multiple adj.多个的 + -ly ...地

partly adv. 一定程度上

part 部分,分开 + -ly ...地

personally adv. 个人

personal adj.个人的 + -ly ...地

publicly adv. 公开

public adj.公众的 + -ly ...地

sincerely adv. 真诚地

sincere adj.诚挚的 + -ly ...地

totally adv. 完全地

total adj.总的 + -ly ...地

truly adv. 真正地

tru(e) 真实的 + -ly ...地

willingly adv. 乐意地

willing adj.愿意的 + -ly ...地

absolutely adv. (强调真实无误)绝对地,完全地

absolute adj.完全的 + -ly ...地

accordingly adv. 照着

according adv.据…所述 + -ly ...地

approximately adv. 大概

approximate adj.近似的 + -ly ...地

awfully adv. 非常

awful adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

badly adv. 非常

bad adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

closely adv. 紧密地;接近地;仔细地;严密地;精密地

close adj.近的 + -ly ...地

commonly adv. 通常地

common adj.一般的 + -ly ...地

consequently adv. 因此

con- 共同, 一起 + sequ 跟随 + -ent ...的 + -ly ...地

conversely adv. 相反地

con- 共同, 一起 + vers 转 + -e + -ly ...地

definitely adv. 肯定

defin(e) 使明确 + -ite... 的 + -ly ...地

exceedingly adv. 非常

exceeding adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

exclusively adv. 唯一地

exclusive adj.排除其他一切的 + -ly ...地

extremely adv. 极其

extreme adj.极大的 + -ly ...地

fairly adv. 相当地

fair adj.公正的 + -ly ...地

fortunately adv. 幸运地

fortun(e) 运气 + -ate 具有...的 + -ly ...地

freely adv. 自由地

free adj.不受他人控制的 + -ly ...地

frequently adv. 频繁地

frequent adj.频繁的 + -ly ...地

generally adv. 通常地

general adj.全体的 + -ly ...地

greatly adv. 非常

great adj.超乎寻常的 + -ly ...地

highly adv.

high adj.高的 + -ly ...地

increasingly adv. 越来越多地

increas(e) 增加 + -ing 形容词后缀 + -ly ...地

instantly adv. 立刻

instant adj.立刻的 + -ly ...地

largely adv. 主要地

large adj.大的 + -ly ...地

lightly adv. 轻柔地

light n.光 + -ly ...地

mostly adv. 主要地

most det.&pro.最大的 + -ly ...地

namely adv.

name n.名字 + -ly ...地

naturally adv. 顺理成章地

natural adj.大自然的 + -ly ...地

necessarily adv. 必要地

necessar(y) 必要的 + -ly ...地

newly adv. 最近

new adj.新的 + -ly ...地

normally adv. 正常地

normal adj.正常的 + -ly ...地

obviously adv. 明显地

obvious 明显的 + -ly ...地

occasionally adv. 偶尔地

occasional adj.不经常的 + -ly ...地

orderly adj. 有秩序的

order n.次序 + -ly ...地

practically adv. 几乎

practical adj.实践的 + -ly ...地

presently adv. 目前

present adj.在场的 + -ly ...地

previously adv. 先前

previous adj.以前的 + -ly ...地

primarily adv. 主要地

primary adj.首要的 + -ly ...地

purely adv. 仅仅

pure adj.纯粹的 + -ly ...地

rapidly adv. 迅速地

rapid adj.快的 + -ly ...地

readily adv. 便利地

read(y) 预备好了的状态 + -ly ...地

regularly adv. 有规律地

regular adj.恒定的 + -ly ...地

relatively adv. 相当程度上

relative adj.相关的 + -ly ...地

repeatedly adv. 反复地

repeated vt.重复 + -ly ...地

respectively adv. 分别地

respective adj.各自的 + -ly ...地

roughly adv. 粗略地

rough adj.不平滑的 + -ly ...地

scarcely adv. 勉强

scarce adj.缺乏的 + -ly ...地

secondly adv. 其次

second num.第二 + -ly ...地

separately adv. 分别地

separate adj.分离的 + -ly ...地

severely adv. 严重地

severe adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

sharply adv. 尖刻地

sharp adj.锋利的 + -ly ...地

shortly adv. 不多时

short adj.短的 + -ly ...地

similarly adv. 相似地

similar adj.相似的 + -ly ...地

simply adv. (强调简单)仅仅,只,不过

simple adj.简明的 + -ly ...地

slightly adv. 轻微地

slight adj.少量的 + -ly ...地

smoothly adv. 平稳地

smooth adj.光滑的 + -ly ...地

solely adv. 唯一地

sole n.脚底 + -ly ...地

steadily adv. 稳定地

steady adj.稳固的 + -ly ...地

strictly adv. 严格地

strict adj.严格的 + -ly ...地

strongly adv. 强烈地

strong adj.强劲的 + -ly ...地

successfully adv. 成功地

successful adj.成功的 + -ly ...地

surely adv. (对自己的话很有把握,希望他人同意)想必

sure adj.确信的 + -ly ...地

surprisingly adv. 惊人地

surprising adj.出人意料的 + -ly ...地

unlikely adj. 不大可能发生的

un- 否定 + like 像 + -ly ...地

virtually adv. 实际上

virtual 实质的 + -ly ...地

wholly adv. 完全地

whol(e) 整体 + -ly ...地

elderly adj. 老年人

elder adj.年龄较大的 + -ly ...地

barely adv. 仅仅

bare 缺少的 + -ly ...地

invariably adv. 一成不变

in- 不,无 + variabl(e) 可变的 + -ly ...地

incidentally adv. (引出新话题、附加信息、或临时想到的问题)顺便提一句

incident n.事件 + -al ...的 + -ly ...地

literally adv. 按字面

literal adj.按字面常用意义理解的 + -ly ...地

seemingly adv. 看似

seeming adj.表面上的 + -ly ...地

deep deeply 【导航词义:深深地】
deep v. 深深地



They had to dig very deep in order to find the treasure.


A farmer found some bones buried deep beneath the ground.


deeply v. 非常,很深地



I am deeply grateful to you.


These words hurt his friend deeply.


John sank deeply into the mud.
