- abbr.版本验证测试(Build Verification Test)

Now you can perform the BVT with the unit test framework .
Then select the test metadata file that contains the BVT test list you created in .
A new butterfly valve tray ( BVT ) was developed basis of HTV tray .
Industrial Application of BVT Tray
As part of globalization , the BVT will be executed in supported locales of the software product that is available .
Similarly , BVT / FVT needs to be run in all locales to certify the product functionality .
Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) projects typically rely on the automated source code build , deploy , and build-verify-test ( BVT ) cycle .
Study on the liquid backmixing on butterfly valve tray The results indicate that the liquid backmixing degree on BVT is lower , and this can give rise to transfer efficiency .
In case of GVT , the same WPARs can be used to run the BVT and FVT in different locales by setting the locale one after the another .
Based on intersection detection algorithm of bounding volume hierarchy tree ( BVT ), the method resolves the problem of relation determining for planar simple polygons by testing the position between monotone chains with sweep line technology .
Objective To compare the clinical value of bigger tidal volume ( BVT ), conventional tidal volume ( CVT ) and smaller tidal volume ( SVT ) in patients with atelectasis during continuous positive pressure mechanical ventilation .
On the basis of BVT distance algorithm , the approach settles the separation problem between two separable simple polygons by coupling the monotone chains selectively to determine the possible sub-boundary where the nearest point lies with .