- 网络Presentation;presentation medium;Representation Media;Reprception Medium;Representation Medium

The common area of two or more layout objects that overlap each other partially or fully on the presentation medium .
He says things are crazy here with the press .
Boolean indicating that the media access device needs cleaning . Whether manual or automatic cleaning is possible is indicated in the Capabilities array property .
The ministry 's official spokesman said at a subsequent press conference that the report was totally false and compared it to something out of a spy novel .
Src : A source is anything that produces media .
Or as Katie Couric , the American television anchor says : The media can be an instrument of change
To sum up , for a RESTful application , the contract contains three different pieces : the uniform interface , media types of representations , and contextual links to resources .
David Lancefield , author of a recent PwC report on the sector , says media owners ' thinking about digital models is changing in part because of the damage being wreaked on their core businesses by the advertising downturn .
State media , he said , have just made things worse .
Boolean indicating that the physical media is used for cleaning purposes and not data storage .
She says the media attention given to Campbell 's testimony is a for the fight against conflict diamonds .
But the researchers say there are many problems in the way the press has reported on their paper .
Some critics around the world argue that American media coverage has been cleansed of the real violence of the war .
Tripoli , Libya ( CNN ) & Reports indicate deposed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is dead , the National Transitional Council spokesman said Thursday .
The media is very interested in my salary but their reports are sometimes biased and not in line with the truth , he said .
He suggested that the focus on the co-founders has been misplaced , and that the current management team has been working together well for months .
The press has tended to frame this as an either / or ' approach , Mr Obama said in his first interview with a global publication .
The Pentagon said Monday that news media will not be able to cover the return of the remains of30 U.S.troops killed when militants shot down their helicopter in Afghanistan over the weekend .
BRICS Media Forum Executive Chairman and Xinhua News Agency President Cai Mingzhao says media has an important role to play to promote cooperation - especially regarding people to people exchanges among BRICS countries .
Fang Shuting , head of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ), said there is a great misunderstanding among the media and the public about the process of extracting bear bile .
Internet Political Strategists say the goal with social media is to collect data from voters in order to personalize the campaign-to make the candidate not only familiar , but also to be seen as a friend who knows and understands the problems voters face and want solved .
Sink : A sink is anything that consumes media .
For the first time , foreign media will be able to report freely and publish their work freely in China .
Japan Exchange Group , operator of the Tokyo Stock Exchange , declined to comment on individual press reports , and said it had no comment on the newsgathering methods employed by the media .
The new York-based company says its social media roots date back to the 1970s , when its mainframe programmers started discussion forums ( on system / 370 consoles ) .
Nick Anstead , assistant professor at the media department of the London School of Economics , says it is also a myth that social media is a way to reach large audiences for free .
Social media strategists are also in demand across all sectors , says Kevin Frey , who runs the full-time MBA at Rotman in Toronto .
McDonald 's spokeswoman Heidi Barker said Monday that if the practices described in media reports were confirmed , they would be ' completely unacceptable to McDonald 's. '
Social media and tools such as Shazam could provide an important link and drive more buzz for the games , industry executives said .
Geoffrey Crothall of China Labor Bulletin said the news media 's focus on ride-hailing apps obscured the main complaint of the Chinese taxi drivers : that rapacious fleet companies charge onerous rental fees that leave drivers with little to show for their toil .