
  • 网络gold leasing
  1. 该行称,增长主要来自投行业务、托管业务、票据发行和黄金租赁业务。

    Investment banking , custodial services , bill issuance and gold leasing were the main growth drivers , the bank said .

  2. 关注一下黄金租赁价格吧;黄金租赁价格飙升将成为一个表明金价将大涨的良好领先指标,因为这反映出可借贷黄金出现短缺。

    Keep an eye on gold lease rates ; a spike would be a good lead indicator that gold is about to punch higher as this would reflect a shortage of lendable bullion .

  3. 黄金租赁价格不断上涨,将导致黄金进入现货升水状态,因为黄金持有者在任何情况下都不愿出售远期黄金,目前金币售价出现较高的现货升水就证明了这一趋势。

    Rising lease rates will cause gold to go into backwardation as holders of gold may not want to sell their gold forward under any circumstances a trend currently evidenced by the high physical premium being paid for gold coins .

  4. 被认为是黄金产业的汽车租赁业,在我国的发展并不令人满意且被视为高风险行业。

    Auto leasing industry , regarded as the " Golden Industry " is not satisfactory in China .