
wài huì quàn
  • Foreign exchange certificate;foreign-exchange currency
  1. 只有指定的商店和餐厅才被允许接收外汇券。

    Only select stores and restaurants were permitted to accept them .

  2. (在年价格标签)一千五百壹拾捌元外汇券。

    ( Reading the price tag ) 1 , 518 yuan FEC .

  3. 外汇券可以使用美元或者英镑购买。

    FEC can be purchased with us or pound sterling .

  4. 目前的汇率1美元外汇券是730缅元。

    The current exchange rate for1 FEC is730 kyat .

  5. 25元外汇券一只,所以50元外汇券一对。

    Twenty-five Yuan FEC for one , so fifty Yuan FEC for a pair .

  6. 我用外汇券交完费,返回和平饭店。

    I paid with Foreign Exchange Certificates , and returned to the Peace Hotel .

  7. 给你100元外汇券。

    Here is one hundred yuan fec .

  8. 军政府规定美元必须存入国家银行取出外汇券才能使用。

    The military government also allows dollars to be deposited in a state bank for later withdrawal as FEC .

  9. 缅甸的经济学家说,美元外汇券值下跌由于当前经济格局改变。

    Economists in Burma said the drop of the US dollar and FEC values lied in the current economic pattern .

  10. 为了维持被高估的汇率,中国在上世纪80年代中期推出了外汇券来限量供应外汇。

    To maintain an overvalued exchange rate , China in the mid-1980s introduced a foreign exchange certificate to ration foreign currency .

  11. 我到上海的时候,还是有粮票和外汇券的时代。

    I arrived in Shanghai back in the days of Liang Piao ( Ration tickets ) and FEC ( Foreign Exchange Currency ) .

  12. 就在1994年,外国游客来华还不得不使用特殊的“外汇券”,而非本地货币。

    As recently as 1994 , foreign visitors to China were still consigned to using special " foreign exchange certificates " rather than local currency .

  13. 外汇券的时代一去不复返了,人们迫不及待地想要离开上海的日子一去不复返了。

    Long gone are the times of separate currency for foreigners , long gone are the times where people sat and waited to leave Shanghai .

  14. 人民币曾受到严格控制,海外游客仅限使用外汇券,如今虽可以基于交易目的自由兑换货币,但跨境投资仍受严格遏制。

    The currency , once so tightly controlled that overseas visitors were restricted to parallel bank notes , is today freely convertible for trade purposes but strictly curbed on cross-border investment .

  15. 缅甸外汇券在缅甸的贸易完全中断,原因是由于下降的幅度过大,本周引起外汇交易商的关注,据消息人士透露。

    The trading of Foreign Exchange Certificates ( FEC ) in Burma has totally halted due to the excessive drop in its rate this week , causing concerns among foreign currency dealers , according to sources .