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  • yellow
  • short for the Huanghe River
  • fizzle out;fall through
  • 像金子或向日葵花的颜色:~色。~昏。牛~。~澄澄。信口雌~。

  • 特指中国黄河:~灾。治~。~泛区。

  • 指“黄帝”(即“轩辕氏”,传说中原始社会部落联盟首领):~老(黄帝和老子)。炎~子孙。

  • 事情失败或计划不能实现:事情~了。

  • 姓。


(像丝瓜花或向日葵花的颜色) yellow:

  • 鹅黄

    light yellow;

  • 杏黄

    apricot yellow; apricot (colour)


(指黄河) short for the Huanghe River:

  • 黄泛区

    the Huanghe River Inundated Area;

  • 治黄

    harness the Huanghe River


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 黄宗羲

    Huang Zongxi


[口] (事情失败或计划不能实现) fizzle out; fall through:

  • 那笔买卖黄了。

    The deal is off.

  1. 她穿着黄衣服。

    She was dressed in yellow .

  2. 我解开了自己黄灰相间的衬衫上最下面的两个纽扣。

    I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt

  3. 那房间是由鲜艳的红黄两色装饰的。

    The room was decorated in vibrant reds and yellows .

  4. 只允许右拐的车辆进入交叉路口黄格区。

    Only traffic turning right may enter the box .

  5. 随便种几丛黄水仙。

    Plant daffodils in informal drifts .

  6. 将会向雇员发放灰黄相间的名牌新制服。

    Staff will be issued with new grey-and-yellow designer uniforms .

  7. 春天,草地上开满了黄水仙。

    In the spring , the meadow is a mass of daffodils .

  8. 他解释说黄热病的流行恰好减缓了城市的扩张。

    He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth

  9. 尼古丁渍染黄了他的下巴和手指。

    Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers .

  10. 屋子里天花板上吊着的一个灯泡散发着冷冷的黄光。

    A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light

  11. 她穿着一身暗黄绿色的衣裤套装。

    She wore a lime-green trouser suit

  12. 哎呀,花园里的黄水仙开了,它们永远都是一道亮丽的风景。

    Well , the daffodils are out in the gardens and they 're always a beautiful show .

  13. 天际蓝、玉米黄、淡草绿色只是这一色系内的3种亮色。

    Horizon Blue , Corn Yellow and Pistachio Green are just three of the vibrant colours in this range

  14. 他们把发明的成功归于黄工程师。

    They attributed the success of their invention to Engineer Huang .

  15. 樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同。

    Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow .

  16. 菊花开了,有红的,有黄的。

    The chrysanthemums are in bloom ; some are red and some yellow .

  17. 白衬衫被汗水渍黄了。

    The white shirt was yellowed with sweat .

  18. 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。

    Autumn wind rises ; white clouds fly . Grass and trees wither ; geese go south .

  19. 后来村里的年轻女人也要追根问底了。黄道士的回答却总是躲躲闪闪。

    The young women were also determined to get to the bottom of the matter . Huang , the Priest , answered them all evasively .

  20. 男孩把一条黄绳绑在狗脖子上。

    The boy banded the dog 's neck with a yellow string .

  21. 以上图片拍的是一个黄热病检疫站。

    Pictured above is a yellow fever quarantine station .

  22. 那颜色是黄中带绿的。

    The colour is yellow inclining to green .

  23. 她烟抽得很厉害,难怪她的手指都熏黄了。

    No wonder her fingers are stained brown , she smokes like a chimney .

  24. 黄烷胶很重要,因为它比古尔胶在较高温度时更稳定。

    The xanthan gum is important because it has higher temperature stability than guar gum .

  25. 他们扫描了40名正在玩虚拟驾驶游戏的青少年和成年人的大脑,该游戏旨在测试玩家会在黄灯时刹车,还是会加速通过十字路口。

    They scanned the brains of 40 teens and adults who were playing a virtual driving game designed to test whether players would brake at a yellow light or speed on through the crossroad .

  26. B:真的吗?A:是的。明天我们要去参观黄龙洞。据说它是世界上最美丽的溶洞之一,吸引了很多游客。

    B : You do ? A : Yes . And tomorrow we are going to visit Huanglongdong . It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves in the world and it has interested so many travellers .

  27. 事实上,真正的那艘船是以黑和黄为主色调的。

    In fact , the real ship was black and yellow .

  28. 因为黄爷爷的辛勤工作,这个村子变得很受欢迎。

    The village became popular because of Grandpa Huang 's hard work .

  29. 树叶开始变黄,天气变凉了。

    Some leaves started to turn yellow and the weather became cool .

  30. 接着它们一路变得更黄,到了可以被出售的时候。

    They turn yellow along t he way and are ready to be sold .