
  • 网络A Date With Luyu;A Date With Lu Yu;sj-m
  1. 第二部分即第二章,是全文的重点所在,详细探讨《鲁豫有约》的选题策略,分析其成功原因。

    The second part or Chapter II , is the core of the entire text , discussing in detail the topic selection strategies of " A Date with Luyu ", analyzing the reasons for its success .

  2. 去世十多天前,熊顿参加了《鲁豫有约》的录制。她在节目中笑谈自己住院期间的故事,还坦言自己只为肿瘤哭过一次。

    On the talk show A Date With Luyu , which was shot just a dozen days before she passed away , Xiong laughed as she shared her experience in the hospital , saying she had only cried once over her illness .

  3. 并把《幸福魔方》的选题和《鲁豫有约》的选题进行对比分析。

    And put " Happy Cube " topic and chat topic selection were analyzed .

  4. 每天,《鲁豫有约》的嘉宾会与300名现场观众一起分享自己的故事,还有6000多万观众会通过其他手段观看节目。

    Her guests share their story with a live audience of 300 and a viewing audience of more than 60 million every day .

  5. 温弗莉对鲁豫节目的超高收视率表示惊叹,同时也希望有机会拜访中国并能到鲁豫有约做客。

    Winfrey was surprised by Chen ` s high ratings and expressed a desire to visit China and be a guest on Chen ` s talk show .