
jiù mèng chóng wēn
  • renew a sweet experience of bygone days
旧梦重温[jiù mèng chóng wēn]
  1. 我真希望旧梦重温,每年都拿冠军。

    I just want to feel like that again , year after year .

  2. 对许多游客来说,西湖即便是初游,也有旧梦重温的味道。

    The first-ever visit at West lake , for many visitors , appeared to be the revision of an old dream .

  3. 旧梦重温&谈老上海月份牌对当代商业招贴设计的启示

    Renewing a Sweet Experience of Bygone Days & On Inspiration of Calendar Art of the Old Shanghai to the Design of Commercial Poster Today

  4. 吉布森就是去年在联赛杯上得到了自己的第一个冠军,他也很希望本赛季能旧梦重温。

    Gibson earned his first winners'medal at senior level in the Carling Cup last year and he would dearly love to claim another this season .

  5. 福斯特上赛季在联赛杯上品尝了胜利的滋味,他希望旧梦重温。虽然库什萨克现在是首选门将。

    Foster tasted success last term in this competition and is keen to experience it again , even if Tomasz Kuszczak has edged in front in the current pecking order .

  6. 在他们之间这场旧梦可能重温的游戏里,他不想独自发挥得过了头。

    In their game of reopened possibilities , he didn 't want to overplay his own hand .