
Pb Isotopic Analysis Technique of Eclogite from Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt
Geochemistry Constrains on Rock Association of UHP Terrane during Exhumation
Dehydration Partial Melting Experiments on UHP Eclogites and Its Dynamic Significance , Dabie-Sulu Terrane
Evidence of Partial Melting of Eclogites from Dabie-Sulu Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Belt : Trace Elements and Pb Isotope
Origin of Ti-rich eclogite and rutile deposit in the Donghai area of the southern Sulu UHP metamorphic belt , China
Geochemical characteristics and implication of the eclogite gravels from Mesozoic strata in the north margin of the Dabie Orogenic Belt ;
3-D S wave velocity structure in the upper mantle and the mechanism investigation for the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphosed belt in the Dabie-Sulu region
The boundary between UHP and HP metamorphic belts in southwestern Sulu terrane , eastern China : Evidence from mineral inclusions in zircons from metamorphic rocks
The ultra high pressure metamorphic features of the ultrabasic rock have important significance in the research for the ultra high pressure metamorphic belt in the area .
Tectonic Dynamics Research and Subducting Characteristics Comparison between Middle and Northern Part of Manila Subducting Belt ; Fluids from the Deeply Continental Subduction Zone and the Metamorphic Chemical Geodynamics
Fluids from the Deeply Continental Subduction Zone and the Metamorphic Chemical Geodynamics Dive angle ( pitch-down angle ) high ( low ) . Apply a little back stick .
The discovery of the xenolith is of important implication for us to recognize the deep subduction direction and the scale of the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure ( UHP ) metamorphic belt .
There are thousands of eclogite bodies with different sizes in the ultra_high pressure metamorphic belt in the northeast of Jiangsu province , among which 40 rutile_bearing eclogite bodies have been discovered .
This research is of great significance for an in-depth study of the subduction-exhumation mechanism and magmatism of Sulu UHP metamorphic belt and the selection of the drilling site for the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project .
Combined with results from field investigation of the exhumed Sulu UHP metamorphic terrain , these new data suggest an oblique extrusion of the UHP metamorphic terrain occurred concurrently with , but the dome formation postdated the exhumation .
Constraints of age and isotopic compositions on the metamorphic rock units exposed in the southern part of the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh pressure orogenic belt are essential for the study of regional stratigraphic comparison and further for understanding tectonic process and evolution of this orogen .
In the Dabie Sulu UHP metamorphic belt , eclogites and meta mafic and ultramafic rocks are characterized by a boudin or lenticular style on all scales from a few centimetres to kilometres , and are enveloped in a regional amphibolite facies gneiss matrix and foliated garnet bearing granitic rocks .