
  • apartment;CONDO;Condominium
  1. 此外,据知情人士透露,杰克逊在附近拥有的一栋高级公寓也有四个月的房贷月供和物业费没交,同样面临止赎危险。

    A nearby condominium , four months behind on loan payments and homeowners'dues , was also threatened with foreclosure , according to people familiar with the matter .

  2. 其建造目的不仅仅是让城市更为独特和别具一格,这也是对外出租的住宅式高级公寓,出租给想租办公室和公寓房的人。

    The purpose of these structures was not only to make the city more original and unique the residential condominium is rented by people who want to rent offices and apartments .

  3. 他们住在俯瞰中心公园的高级公寓里。

    They live in a posh apartment overlooking Central park .

  4. 最新的火星高级公寓都要标榜自己有一个耳机柜。

    The newest high-end apartments on Mars are being marketed with a headphone closet .

  5. 对高级公寓和标志性的公共建筑应执行更高的节能标准。

    Higher energy saving standards shall be implemented for high-grade apartments and landmark public buildings .

  6. 琼斯先生加薪后,琼斯太太便开始寻找高级公寓房子。

    When Mr Jones got a raise in pay , Mrs Jones started to look for a high-class flat .

  7. 本项目充分考虑岱山秀山度假村相关区域的地形、地貌、海水资源等景观特色,将各种不同类型的中、高级公寓以及别墅,按地势布局在基地上。

    The related terrain and seawater resource has been fully considered in the project , layout of apartment and villas are all according to the landform .

  8. 兴建私人小船坞、旅馆和高级公寓以改造港区的计划正在进行,该工程大约要耗资三亿美元。

    Plans were afoot to transform the docklands by building marinas , hotels and fancy apartments in a project that would cost around $ 300 million .

  9. 以专业技术承造各类酒店、宾馆、别墅、高级公寓、写字楼的家私配套设施,有庞大的专业技术队伍。

    Professional and technical contractors to all types of hotels , guest houses , villas , apartment , office furniture facilities , a large professional team .

  10. 那在1960年可算是一笔丰厚的收入了,可以供一间高级公寓,买一辆二手车,还清债务之后也许还能留一点积蓄。

    That was real money in1960 . I could get a nice apartment , a used car , pay off debts and maybe save a little something .

  11. 在该影片想象中的一个太阳系中,较为年长的富人离开地球,居住在一个巨大的空间站中,并将它转变为一个“安全”而奢华的极乐空间,里面全是高级公寓和高尔夫球场。

    It envisages a solar system in which older , richer people have gone off-world to populate a giant space station , turning it into a " safe " and luxurious retreat , full of rich condos and golf courses .

  12. 六幢高级外销公寓大楼总面积500000平方米。

    Six high-grade foreign sales oriented apartment buildings covering 500,000 sq.m.

  13. 你住在最高级的公寓里,过得很舒适,不是么?

    You 've done youself well , haven 't you , living in the best apartment ?

  14. 上海高级服务性公寓经营管理初探

    A Preliminary Probe into Operating and Managing Service Apartments in Shanghai

  15. 高级国际社区、高级公寓、别墅、老洋房、办公楼、酒店、商铺、厂房、研发楼等。

    International Communities , High-level Apartments , Villas , Old houses , Hotels , Retails , Offices , Factories , Developing Buildings , etc.