
  • 网络The Peak Experience
  1. 高峰体验与人格完善&论马斯洛的宗教心理学

    The Peak Experience and a Complete Personality-on Maslow 's Psychology of Religion

  2. 如何感官共振导致的“高峰体验”,并处于动态平衡状态。

    How Sensory Resonance leads to " Peak Experience " and Homeostasis .

  3. 我们都可能受到高峰体验的鼓舞和激励。

    We can all be encouraged and uplifted by peak experiences .

  4. 高峰体验在旅游目的地促销口号中的作用

    Roles in Action of Peak Experiences on the Promotion of Tourism Destination

  5. 从亚伯拉罕谈起简述马斯洛的高峰体验理论

    A Trial Talk About the peak experience of Abraham Maslow

  6. 艺术创造中的高峰体验。

    ( Two ) The " summit experience " in artistic creation .

  7. 审美体验从高峰体验进入虚拟体验阶段。

    Aesthetic experience transformed from peak experience to virtual experience .

  8. 高峰体验课程:大学生实践能力建设的新探索

    Peak experience course : new exploration of university students ' practical ability building

  9. 论艺术中的高峰体验

    On the " Summit Experience " in the Art

  10. 高峰体验不是哪一个人的专利,它在每一个人身上都可发生。

    Peak experience is not one 's personal patent , and everyone can undergo it .

  11. 所谓高峰体验,就是审美感兴的终极层次和最高境界。

    Peak experiment in poem appreciation is the highest level and best realm of aesthetic judgment ;

  12. 中国红军长征精神的心理实质,是一群人自我实现的群体高峰体验。

    The psychological nature of such the spirit is peak experience of groups who acquire their own realization .

  13. 但他们不能这样做,因为在圣经中任何高峰体验都包含着两个因素。

    But they can 't because in the bible there are always two ingredients to any peak experience .

  14. 个体可以通过改变外部环境和刺激因素,适度掌控高峰体验的出现。

    Individuals can moderately control the appearance of " peak experience " through changing outer surroundings and stimulating factors .

  15. 其次,是对这类女性读者审美接受高峰体验的过程进行验证。

    Second , we must accept the type of aesthetic peak experience of female readers to verify the process .

  16. 在你死亡时保持警觉是一个伟大的体验,是最后的高峰体验。

    And to be alert while you are dying is one of the greatest experiences , the ultimate in orgasm .

  17. 全文共分四部分:(一)何为高峰体验。

    Full text can be divided into four parts : ( One ) How act as the " summit experience " .

  18. “高峰体验”是马斯洛自我实现理论的延伸,是自我实现心理学的有机组成部分。

    The theory of peak experiences is an extension of Maslow 's self-realization theory and an organic component of the self-realization psychology .

  19. 马斯洛从人本主义的立场出发,致力于探索人的健康心理,其高峰体验理论是其理论中极具特色的部分。

    Based on humanism , Abraham Maslow paid attention to searching the health psychology . His theory of peak experience is very special .

  20. 审美的高峰体验只有与社会理性精神高度整合,才有可能使人类踏上真正的审美之路。

    Experiencing height of aesthetic perception could lead people to a real aesthetic road only when it is highly combined with social rationality .

  21. 拓展训练式体育课教学模式有综合活动性、挑战极限、集体中的个性、高峰体验、自我教育等特点。

    Outward-bound-based Physical Education Teaching Model features in comprehensive activities , limit-challenge , individual character in the collective , peak experiencing , self-education , etc.

  22. 其次,对接受主体进入文学阅读中产生的心理体验进行分析,探讨了其特定的心理结构与80后文学作品融合在一起达到高峰体验的心路历程。

    Furthermore , certain psychological experience came from the literary reading specific psychological composition and the literary works together , reaching the peak experience .

  23. 种种迹象表明,高峰体验只可能出现在经典艺术家的创造与经典文本的欣赏之中。

    A variety of indications make it known , that the summit experience merely has arisen in the production of classic artists and the appreciation of classic versions .

  24. 高峰体验具有超越无意识与意识之上的整合性的新质特征,同时也表明了其自身的两面性。

    The summit experience has the newly integrated character , which oversteps both the consciousness and unconsciousness . At the same time , it also indicate oneself dual nature .

  25. 尽管如此,并不代表高峰体验的价值是虚无缥缈、无法言及的,因为它也必定要经过一个过程。

    Although such in this way , its value that stands for the summit experience is not at all entirely unreal , inaccessible because it also is sure to go through a process .

  26. 心理拓展训练过程有:信赖关系的确立、目标设定、挑战极限、高峰体验、幽默与愉快、解决问题等六个步骤。

    The procedure of psychological outward-bound training has six steps : building up the trust , setting the goals , challenging the limit , peak experiencing , humour and happiness , and solving problems .

  27. 禅悦与马斯洛高峰体验之间的同异,为禅悦找到了心理学依据,并为我们更好地理解禅悦的美学意义提供了更多的理论背景;

    Comparing the joyous of Zen and the peak of experience can make some proof of psychology for the joyous of Zen , and provide us more theoretic background to understand the aesthetics meaning of Zen .

  28. 高峰体验是我们一切行为的终极目标,然而我们很难发现及享受这种体验,因为我们经常赋予自己服务的责任,而并没有附加享受的权利。

    Peak experience is the ultimate goal for everyone in every act , but we can hardly recognize or enjoy it for we always attach ourselves to the duty to serve without the right to enjoy .

  29. 高峰体验是一种销魂夺魄,心旷神怡的时刻,充盈着瞬间莫大的情绪体验:欢乐与幸福,惊叹与敬畏,也可能是对超然同一和对更高真理的认知。

    Peak experience is joyous and exciting moments in life , involving sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being , wonder and awe , and possibly also involving an awareness of transcendental unity or knowledge of higher truth .

  30. 根据人本主义心理学家马斯洛的高峰体验理论,对审美体验的最高境界进行了阐释,指出高峰体验理论美学化的研究前景。

    The paper makes some explanation on the highest state of aesthetic experience by using peak experience theory of Maslow , a humanistic psychologist , and points out the research prospect that puts the theory of peak experience into aesthetic .