
  • 网络driving range;Golf driving range
  1. 独立高尔夫练习场是专门提供学习及练习高尔夫球技等相关服务的场所。

    Independent Golf Driving Range ( IGDR ) is a facility that provides golfers with services on studying and practising golf .

  2. 一期投资额约18亿元,建成后的美食城里面有风情小镇、乡村旅游、游艇俱乐部、山地迷你高尔夫练习场、攀岩俱乐部等设施。

    The food city will be consisted of a small town , yacht club , mountain mini-golf driving range , rock climbing clubs and other facilities while provide rural tourism service .

  3. 今天我们在环境优美的华侨城高尔夫练习场。

    And we are here at the beautiful OCT Golf Driving Range .

  4. 独立高尔夫练习场经营分析

    An Analysis of the Operation of Independent Golf Driving Range

  5. 在柳井正东京市中心豪宅的花园里,修建了一座迷你型高尔夫练习场。

    His enormous house in central Tokyo has a mini-golfing range in the garden .

  6. 城里有高尔夫练习场吗?

    Are there any driving ranges in town ?

  7. 我是安迪利百特。今天我们在环境优美的华侨城高尔夫练习场与大家见面。

    My name 's Andy Leadbetter . We 're here at beautiful OCT Driving Range today .

  8. 我先生喜欢去高尔夫练习场,但是孩子们偏爱迷你高尔夫。

    My husband likes to go to the driving range , but the kids prefer mini golf .

  9. 高尔夫练习场上的垫子是用橡胶制成的,非常非常硬,容易使你受伤。

    The mats that you see at driving ranges that are made of rubber are very , very firm , and they predispose you to having injuries .

  10. 周训书将会在重庆度过夏天的大部分时间,在好韵高尔夫练习场教球,享受有妻子和新生的儿子陪伴的日子。

    Zhou will spend most of the summer in Chongqing teaching at the Hao Yun Driving Range and enjoying the company of his wife and newborn son .

  11. 不仅如此,观景恒温的游泳池系国际名师的精心设计;酒店的迷你影院,环境曼妙;一流的室内高尔夫仿真练习场、台球室和麻将包房让人尽享休闲。

    Other relaxations include an indoor heated pool designed by internationally renowned architect , a mini cinema , a high-class indoor golf course , a billiard room and amah-jong room .

  12. 乘坐机场免费的专线巴士,5分钟就可以把你带到SKY72高尔夫俱乐部,这个俱乐部有3个高尔夫球场和1个高尔夫练习场。

    A five-minute free shuttle bus ride will take you to the SKY72 Golf Club , with three courses and a driving range .