
  • 网络big name
  1. 这位收藏家补充称:“如今,对于像汤姆克鲁斯(tomcruise)这样的大牌明星应如何出现在海报上,还有很多限制。”

    The collector adds : " there are also many restrictions on how big stars , like Tom Cruise , should appear on a poster . "

  2. 由于经纪与其大牌明星客户关系密切,因此与其它经纪公司一样,留住员工在icm也是一个关键问题。

    As in other agencies , staff retention is crucial at ICM because of the close relationships between agents and their superstar clients .

  3. 中国曾希望这部电影能获得奥斯卡奖(Oscar)。该片由知名导演张艺谋执导,是首部请来好莱坞大牌明星出演主角的、中国国内出资拍摄的电影。

    China had been hoping for an Oscar for the film , directed by the celebrated Zhang Yimou and the first domestically-funded movie with a Hollywood star in the lead role .

  4. 去年,贾斯汀•比伯(JustinBieber)、凯蒂•佩里(KatyPerry)和凯莉•米洛(KylieMinogue)等大牌明星都曾在印尼顺利举办演出。

    In the past year , top names such as Justin Bieber , Katy Perry and Kylie Minogue have performed in Indonesia without incident .

  5. 伯格曾在6个月前经历过这种情况,当时ICM的大牌明星之一梅尔•吉布森酒后驾驶被拘留之后,对一位犹太警官说出了反犹太人的语言。

    Mr Berg experienced this six months ago when Mel Gibson , one of ICM 's biggest stars , made anti-Semitic remarks to a Jewish police officer after being arrested for drink driving .

  6. 但随着数字下载兴起、DVD衰落、电视频道激增,加上对流行内容的迫切需要,意味着好莱坞想制作一出成功的节目,需要比以往更多的大牌明星。

    But the rise of digital downloads , the decline of DVDs , the proliferation of TV channels and the desperate need for popular content mean Hollywood needs big names more than ever to make a show a success .

  7. WME旗下拥有许多大牌明星,不过其某些业务已经超出了传统演艺经纪公司的范畴。

    WME represents plenty of big stars but some of its activities go beyond the traditional definition of a talent agency .

  8. 除了凯德拉克,JEEP、雪佛兰、菲亚特、奥迪、东风标致都纷纷邀请知名导演和大牌明星拍摄了各自的微电影广告,其中题材、风格、拍摄手法各不相同。

    In addition to Cadillac , JEEP , Chevrolet , Fiat , Audi , Dongfeng Peugeot have invited well-known directors and stars to film their own micro film advertising , but the subject matter , style , shots are different .

  9. 那时候还没有互联网和Ticketmaster订票网站,要买大牌明星的演唱会票子,一般只有一种办法:整晚在街上和大群死忠歌迷一起排队,等着售票处或卖票的唱片店上午9点开门。

    Before the Internet and Ticketmaster stepped in , big-name tickets were typically purchased one way : by lining up on the street at night alongside throngs of hardy fans and waiting for a box office or a record store to open at 9 a.m. Since most of my early concertgoing took place in Scotland ,

  10. 社交聚会上有几位好莱坞大牌明星。

    There were several big Hollywood stars at the function .

  11. 她喜欢和这些大牌明星一起演出吗?

    And does she like working with these big stars ?

  12. 大牌明星,大牌剧作家。

    A megawatt star and a writer with impeccable pedigree .

  13. 《华尔街日报》:对喜剧来说,大牌明星很重要吗?

    The Wall Street Journal : Are big-name stars essential for comedies ?

  14. 所有大牌明星都来参加聚会了。

    All the big stars were at the party .

  15. 身价走低好莱坞大牌明星还值多少钱?

    Star Salaries Coming Down in Hollywood ?

  16. 制片厂的老板想要大牌明星来领衔,不想要无名小卒。

    The studio chiefs wanted a marquee name in the lead role , not some unknown .

  17. 这是相当多的收集签名球衣在所有运动项目的大牌明星。

    It 's quite a collection of signed jerseys from the biggest stars in all of sports .

  18. 他在令人惊叹的动作场面和特技效果上投巨资,同时聘请能吸引大量观众的大牌明星。

    He invests heavily in jaw-dropping action sequences and special effects and employs big , crowd-pulling stars .

  19. 如果获得报酬,酬劳往往是固定收费,大牌明星是每首歌10万美元。

    When they are paid , compensation is often a flat fee , with bigger stars pulling as much as $ 100,000 per track .

  20. 为什么好莱坞的新生代总是传递出一种信息:性是使人成为好莱坞大牌明星的最好的方法呢?

    Why does the younger generation of young Hollywood sending out the message that using sex is the best way to become a major celebrity .

  21. 之后大牌明星纷纷亮相。温弗瑞的节目制作人兑现了承诺:影视、音乐、电视明星星光云集。

    Then the stars came out , with Winfrey 's producersmaking good on their promise of the biggest celebrities of movies , music and television .

  22. 无大牌明星出演的《拆弹部队》是奥斯卡历史上票房最低的最佳影片。

    " The Hurt Locker ," which didn 't feature A-list stars , is the lowest-grossing film to be named Best Picture in Oscar history .

  23. 你现在应该明白了,为什么没有人能认出他来,为什么一个大牌明星能够大摇大摆地穿行入市而依然避人眼目。

    He 's very normcore . You can see why nobody recognized him , why an international superstar was able to move through the city unseen .

  24. 这样的处事原则也延续到了她触及时尚圈态度,她的个人女装品牌获得了业界的一致好评,更是成为了诸如卡梅-迪亚兹和詹妮弗-洛佩兹这样的大牌明星的喜爱。

    That philosophy extends to her hands-on approach to the design of her wildly popular dresses & favored by A-listers like Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez .

  25. 百余名大牌明星在慈善演出上济济一堂为海地大地震中的受难的百万灾民筹集善款。

    More than 100 of the world 's biggest stars took part in a charity event to raise money for the millions of people affected by the Haiti earthquake .

  26. 当斯坦因菲尔德讲笑话的时候,我转过头,认出了身后的几个大牌明星,如亚当o桑德勒、约翰o古德曼和迈克尔o道格拉斯等等。

    While Seinfeld joked , I turned my back to him and tried to pick out the actors I recognized like Adam Sandler , John Goodman , and Michael Douglas .

  27. 大牌明星,卓越的制片人,好莱坞最著名的明星之一,米歇尔。道格拉斯是好莱坞举足轻重的大腕人物之一。

    Major star , prominent producer , and member of one of hollywood 's most prominent families to boot , Michael Douglas is one of hollywood 's biggest movers and shakers .

  28. 是百米短跑全程42.195公里的马拉松,是链球比赛跳高,田径比赛包含了众多奥运会的经典项目和为数众多的大牌明星。

    From the100m dash to the42.195km marathon , from the hammer throw to the high jump , it contains many of the Olympic Games'blue-ribbon events and many of the highest-profile competitors .

  29. 是的,在过去12季中,《生活大爆炸》邀请了诸多大牌明星来客串,但从未邀请过这位让人衷爱的名人。

    That 's right - The Big Bang Theory has had some truly sensational guest stars over the past 12 seasons , but they 've never had this beloved celeb on the series before .

  30. 鉴于马拉多纳具有传奇色彩的人生经历以及中国人对于愿意在中国生活的大牌明星的喜爱,上了年纪的马拉多纳要想在中国这个世界上人口最多的国家找份工作可能不会太难。

    Given Maradona 's larger-than-life persona , and China 's fondness for big-name stars willing to live in the country , the aging legend likely wouldn 't have much trouble finding a job in the world 's most populous country .