
  1. 南亚高压中心跳过20°N时,南海夏季风爆发,跳过25°N时,印度夏季风在其南部爆发。

    When the SAH center crosses 20 ° N , the SCS summer monsoon onsets and when it crosses 25 ° N the Indian summer monsoon begins in the south part .

  2. 文中还揭示:臭氧总含量的低值和高值区通常分别与500hPa高度场的高压中心和低压中心相对应。

    Also , this paper reveals that high ( or low ) values of total ozone amount usually correspond to the low ( or high ) at 500 hPa height field .

  3. 第二种是反气旋,当围绕高压中心形成风系统时出现反气旋。

    Second is the anticyclonethis happens when winds form a wind system around a high .

  4. 在南半球,反气旋绕高压中心反时针方向吹,与北半球情况相反。

    In the Southern Hemisphere an anticyclone circulates counterclockwise around the high-pressure center , as contrasted to the Northern Hemisphere .

  5. 高空冷中心强度达-45℃、地面冷高压中心强度达1060.0hPa是寒潮爆发的必要条件;

    And the upper cold center intensity at-45 ℃ and the surface high pressures at 1060.0 hPa were the necessary conditions of the cold wave break .

  6. 分析指出:10月在蒙古人民共和国的海平面高压中心不真实,这可能是由于地面气压向海平面订正所造成的。

    It point out that the high pressure center at sea level over Republic of Mongolia in October is not true and may be resulted from the reduction of surface pressure to sea level .

  7. 基于全型垂直涡度方程的诊断分析指出,北美陆地的表面感热通量是决定该地区副热带高压中心位置及其季节变化的关键因素。

    The data analysis based on the complete form of vertical vorticity equation shows that the land surface sensible heating over North America is very important for the formation and seasonal variation of the PNA subtropical high .

  8. 结果表明,100hPa高压环流中心有明显的季节分布特征,其中心经度的主频区与100hPa南亚高压中心经度的主频区位置较为一致。

    The results show that the seasonal variations of the centers of both the SAH and the anticyclone are obvious and in consistence with each other .

  9. 高温高压下蒸煮,中心冷点升温更快,F值的增加速率成倍上升。

    Cooking with higher temperature and pressure , temperature of cold-point increased faster , and F value rose up more quickly .