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  1. 值得注意的是,无论请客人还是同饮人,与受害人之间一般都存在某种密切关系。

    It is worthwhile to note that whether the inviting party or the co-drinkers have certain close relationship with the aggrieved of some kind .

  2. 因此,请客人及同饮人负有发现他人醉酒后不能自持时,加以救助的义务;负有对饮酒者从事具有较高危险性的行为的劝阻义务。

    Therefore , the inviting party and the co-drinkers have the obligation of help when finding others drunken and unable to control themselves and have the obligation of prevention from the act with high danger by the drinkers .

  3. 复方中药牛黄天龙饮对人卵巢癌SK细胞和小鼠肉瘤S-180细胞抗肿瘤作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Antitumor Effect of Chinese Herbal Prescription " Niu Huang Tian Long Yin " on Apoptosis of SK Tumor Cell and S-180 Tumor Cell

  4. 专于过度吃和饮的人。

    A person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess .

  5. 一个爱饮的人不会因为季节的变化而变化;

    A good drinker does not change with the seasons ;

  6. 益肺饮对A549人肺癌细胞株酶活性的实验研究

    The Effect of " Yi-Fei-Yin " on Enzyme Activity in Human Lung Cell Line A549

  7. 我太长时间得不到食物、饮不到人血了!

    I 've been too long without food , without blood to drink !

  8. 饮绿茶预防中年人高脂血症和肥胖症的现况研究

    Green tea consumption prevents hypercholesterolemia and obesity : a cross section study

  9. 你知道茶是中国的国饮,是中国人生活中不可或缺的一部分。

    You know that tea is China 's national drink and an indispensable part of the life a Chinese person .