
  • 网络purified drinking water;purified water for drinking;pure water;drinking purified water
  1. 饮用纯净水对大鼠肝脏载脂蛋白AⅠ和B基因表达的影响

    Effects of purified drinking water on hepatic expression of apolipoprotein A ⅰ and B in rats

  2. 2004~2005年南京市瓶装饮用纯净水卫生检测结果分析

    Examination of the bottled purified drinking water in Nanjing during 2004-2005

  3. HACCP系统在瓶(桶)装饮用纯净水生产中的应用

    Application HACCP to Production of Bottled Purified Water for Drinking

  4. 反渗透法桶装饮用纯净水生产HACCP体系的应用研究

    Research on the establishment of HACCP system in the jugged reverse osmosis ( RO ) purified water for drinking

  5. 本室前期研究亦发现,长期饮用纯净水可引起雌性大鼠血镁浓度降低,血脂(甘油三酯TG、胆固醇CH、低密度脂蛋白LDL)显著增高。

    In Our previous studies with Wistar rats drinking of purified-water for 20 weeks have higher blood lipids ( TG , CH , LDL ) and lower Mg2 + concentration in blood .

  6. 目的研究桶装饮用纯净水在贮存90d内微生物指标的变化。

    Objective To study the variations of microorganism indexes of barrelled purified water during its preservation period of 90 days .

  7. GB17324-1998瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准

    Hygienic standard of bottled purified water for drinking

  8. 用于实验室自来水、饮用纯净水以及雨水中的NO-2的测定,回收率为94%~105%,取得了满意的结果。

    This method has been satisfactorily applied to determine NO - _2 in water samples with recoveries of ~ 94 % ~ 105 % .

  9. 将该方法应用于某江水、湖水、自来水和饮用纯净水试样的检测,相对标准偏差(RSD)在1.4%~14.0%;回收率在90.8%~107.0%。

    The method was applied to the determination of the five phthalate esters in river , lake , tap and drinking water , and the relative standard deviations were from 1.4 % to 14.0 % , recoveries of five phthalate esters were 90.8 % - 107.0 % .

  10. 水中菌落总数检测按(GB17324-1998)《瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准》进行。

    The total counts of bacteria of water samples were determined based on the Sanitary Standard for Bottled Purified Drinking water ( GB17324-1998 ) .

  11. [方法]2000~2004年先后对蓬莱市25家饮用纯净水生产企业生产的饮用纯净水进行采用,按照GB17324-1998《瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准》规定的检验方法和评价标准进行检测和评价。

    [ Methods ] Samples of the purified water were collected from 25 companies during 2000-2004 , which were tested and evaluated by " Hygienic standard of bottled purified water for drinking "( GB 17324-1998 ) .

  12. 吴江市桶装饮用纯净水的安全性评价

    Security Appraisal and Management for Barreled Purified Drinking Water in Wujiang

  13. 瓶装饮用纯净水生产中微生物指标的控制

    Control of microorganism index in bottle-packed pure drinking water production

  14. 昌邑市桶装饮用纯净水卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Hygienic Status of Barreled Purified Drinking Water in Changyi City

  15. 瓶装饮用纯净水细菌数量变化规律研究

    Study on Bacterial Variations Regularity in Bottled Purified Drinking Water

  16. 2001~2004年国内桶装饮用纯净水监测结果分析

    Analysis of domestic barrelled purified water for drinking from 2001 to 2004

  17. 纯水、超纯水与饮用纯净水

    Pure water , superpure water and drinking purified water

  18. 瓶装饮用纯净水霉菌菌相分析

    Analysis on mycoflora in bottled purified drinking water

  19. 饮用纯净水生产工艺的利弊探讨

    Discussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Process for Potable Pure Water Production

  20. 本研究应用该组合工艺消毒技术,对瓶装饮用纯净水生产消毒进行了研究。

    In this paper , this combination technique was used to disinfect bottled drinking water .

  21. 饮用纯净水的利与弊

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Drinking Pure Water

  22. 饮用纯净水成套设备研制

    Study of pure drinking water equipment

  23. 蓬莱市2000~2004年部分市售饮用纯净水检测结果分析

    Analysis on Test Results of the Purified Water for Drinking from 1990 to 2004 in Penglai

  24. 2002~2004年济宁市瓶装饮用纯净水卫生状况调查

    Analysis on the Sanitary Situation of the Bottled Purified Drinking Water of Jining from 2002 to 2004

  25. 下面是其中三个:第一,全球有大约7亿8千万人无法饮用纯净水。

    Here are three : First , around 780 million people have no access to clean water .

  26. GB17323-1998瓶装饮用纯净水

    Bottled purified water fur drinking

  27. 目的研究长期饮用纯净水对大鼠体重增长和生殖功能的影响,为选择健康饮水提供参考。

    S : Objective To explore the long-term effects of purified water on weight growth and reproduction function in rats .

  28. 长期饮用纯净水、净化水、自来水的大鼠血清矿物元素水平比较

    Comparison of serum levels of mineral elements in rats feeding with purified-water , filtered-tap-water and boiled-tap-water respectively for 20 weeks

  29. 国家对饮用纯净水有严格的卫生规定。

    Impurity of the water made it unfit to drink . the state has strict hygienic regulations for potable water .

  30. 目的通过对吴江市近5年的饮用纯净水监测资料进行系统的整理、分析、评价,以发现不安全隐患及管理中存在的问题,为加强饮用纯净水监测与管理提供依据。

    Objective To detect hidden problems of insecurity and management for drinking water , and to strengthen monitoring and management .