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  1. 一名心跳过速之伤患,毛细管回流缓慢,身体冰冷,脸色发白,可能是休克。

    B. Trauma patients with tachycardia , slow capillary refill , and cool , pale skin should be assumed to have shock .

  2. 目的:探讨不同弹速椎体贯通伤对机体的早期影响及椎体贯通伤后早期脊髓继发损伤机制。

    Objective : To investigate the early effect of firearm perforating wound to vertebral body caused by different velocity bullet and the mechanisms of the early stage of secondary events in GSI to spine .

  3. 不同弹速椎体火器贯通伤对机体早期影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Early Effect of Firearm Perforating Wound to Vertebral Body by Different Velocity Bullet