
  • 网络Restaurant;Lunch Bar
  1. 营养餐吧、运动休息区、设施齐备、装修布局合理,提供美容服务,SPA。

    Diet restaurant and sports rest area have well-equipped facilities and reasonable decoration layout and provide beauty service and SPA .

  2. 然而,新的蒂沃利酒店的真正吸引力可能源自它的餐吧Corner,曾供职于ChanterelleandAVoce的主厨德文·吉尔罗伊(DevonGilroy)为这里预订了当地农场的最好当季作物,这些食材都是限量供应,有时每种只有几斤而已。

    But the newly crowned Hotel Tivoli 's real draw might be its restaurant and bar , the Corner , for which the chef Devon Gilroy - formerly of Chanterelle and A Voce - reserves the best local farms " limited supplies of seasonal produce , sometimes just a few pounds each .

  3. 保罗·墨菲(PaulMurphy)开设码头浮雕(CrocketsontheQuay)餐吧已有十年。他说,在我们建了‘吸烟室’之后,吸烟者真的密切联系在一起了。

    After we built the ' smoking shed ,' said Paul Murphy , who owned Crockets on the Quay for a decade , the smokers really bonded .

  4. 就是类似鸡蛋和吐司的热餐吧。

    Brunch is usually a hot meal , e.g.eggs on toast .

  5. 那我至少可以请你出去吃个生日餐吧?

    Cal at least take you out for a birthday dinner ?

  6. 我刚刚去求那个在餐吧工作的人。

    I just bagged the shorty that work at the snack bar .

  7. 咱们来点餐吧。

    OK , well let 's order something then .

  8. 等会儿在酒店的餐吧见面?

    Meet you at the bar of the hotel ?

  9. 我想,该是在家搞个火锅餐吧。

    I think , it is better to have a dinner party at home .

  10. 多年来,这里的旅馆和供应香蕉薄饼的餐吧迎来了无数背包客。

    For years , it catered to backpackers with its hostels and banana pancake cafes .

  11. 我还做过酒店工作,也经营过餐吧。

    I 've sort of done hotel work and I 've also run a restaurant pub .

  12. 要防止这些令人尴尬的提醒饥饿声音,就少吃多餐吧。

    To avoid those often poorly timed and embarrassing sounds , eat smaller meals more frequently .

  13. 关上电视,坐下来和家人共餐吧。这样做的青少年比较不容易饮食失调。

    Teenagers who switch off the TV and sit down to family meals are less likely to suffer eating disorders .

  14. 近年来这里汇集了多家风格迥异的酒吧、餐吧、特色店、艺术工作室,吸引着大批中外游客。

    In recent years , many bars , restaurants , specialty stores and artist 's workshops have opened , attracting a large number of tourists .

  15. 本文结合新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院营养教育餐吧的建立、宣教流程以及前期所出现的问题和解决方案进行了论述。

    Combining with the Xinjiang uygur autonomous region people 's hospital nutrition education meal builds , it is discussed that mission process , early by the problem and solutions .

  16. 然后我回到酒店庭院,路过一个个像举着刀剑一样举着小灯管的微型僧人雕塑,进入位于明代屋檐之下的餐吧。

    After , I return to the hotel courtyard , past statues of tiny monks carrying small light bulbs like sabers , into the restaurant bar beneath Ming Dynasty eaves .

  17. 在市内一家“农夫山蒸”营养餐吧里,笔者发现,作为以经营快餐、套餐为主的连锁店,这里的“蒸”功夫却主要来自于科学化手段。

    In the city a " mountain farmer steam " nutrition bar , the author found to operate as fast food , package-based chain , where the " steam " Kung Fu was mainly from the scientific means .

  18. 其中将建设一座戏院、零售门店、展厅以及顶层的餐吧,在那里,拉里斯的生动想象将变为一间牛排餐厅,他承诺,那里将体现出大量上世纪50年代的好莱坞风情。

    It will house a theatre , retail outlets , showrooms and a restaurant and bar on the top floor which Laris 's vivid imagination will transform into a steak house with , he promises , lots of 1950s Hollywood glamour .

  19. 那我把我的开心乐园餐玩具卖掉吧。

    I 'll sell my happy meals .

  20. 黄师父:没关系,那我就预订除夕餐,可以吧。

    Master Huang : Never mind , but could I make an order for the New Year 's Eve ?

  21. 我曾经和女王一起用过餐(好吧,其实是和100人左右在一个大房间里一起用餐)。

    I once had lunch with The Queen ( OK , along with about 100 other people in a large room ) .

  22. 因此,最理性的做法也许是,只要你愿意,就进行餐后演讲吧,做到过得去就行。

    So it may be perfectly sensible to take up after-dinner speaking and only be adequate at it , if that 's what you want to do .

  23. 我们看过餐单再订吧。

    We are going to order when we look over the menu .