
cān dāo
  • table-knife;fish knife;be killed by knife
餐刀 [cān dāo]
  • [be killed by knife] 吃刀,挨刀

  • 俺婆婆若冗我披枷带锁赴杀场餐刀去呵,枉将他气杀也么哥。--元. 关汉卿《窦娥冤》

餐刀[cān dāo]
  1. 他们拿银制餐刀切入蛋糕。

    They pressed the silver knife into the cake .

  2. 一套餐具有6把餐刀。

    A cutlery set is comprised of 6 table knives .

  3. 把餐刀和餐叉摆在桌子上。

    Set the table with knives and forks .

  4. 在中国,在饭桌上没有人用餐刀。

    In China , nobody has a knife at the table .

  5. 我厨房里有筷子,餐刀,叉子,盘子。

    I 've got chopsticks , knives , forks , plates .

  6. 那里的女服务员给我拿来一个调羹和一把餐刀,但是没有叉子。

    The waitress brings me a spoon and knife but no fock .

  7. 凶器是一把宾馆里的餐刀。

    The weapon turned out to be a knife for the hotel .

  8. 吃鱼时使用的有压舌的小餐刀。

    A small table knife with a spatula blade used for eating fish .

  9. 他的餐刀依然悬在半空。一股烟云飘悬在天空中。

    His carving-knife was still poised in the air .

  10. 吃牛排时使用的锋利的餐刀。

    A sharp table knife used in eating steak .

  11. 餐刀,非折叠,有刀刃不论是否有锯齿形,贱金属制

    Non-folding table knife with cutting blade whether or not serrated , of base meta

  12. 一把餐刀都可能是个致人死命武器。

    A knife can be a deadly weapon .

  13. 她把餐叉整整齐齐地叠好后立即又收拾起餐刀来。

    She put the forks in a neat pile and started on the knives .

  14. 我的餐刀在你这吧。

    I believe you have my carving knife .

  15. 餐刀,雕刻刀,及订书用刀之卑金属柄。

    Handles of base metal for table knives , carving knives , and book-binders knives .

  16. 我能带餐刀什么的到澳大利亚吗?

    Can I bring cutlery into Australia ?

  17. 食鱼刀:吃鱼的时辰用来替代餐刀和牛肉片刀的。

    Fish knife : in place of dinner or steak knife when fish is served .

  18. 案板上有把餐刀黄油涂在刀口右侧

    There 's a knife on the breadboard with butter on the right side of the blade

  19. 他的工具非常简单:一把餐刀,一张畚箕,还有一个咖啡罐。

    His materials are simple : a butter knife , a dustpan and a coffee can .

  20. 有一天,这种陶瓷一定能改进各种各样的产品例如餐刀和汽车马达。

    The ceramic could one day improve such diverse products as kitchen knives and automobile engines .

  21. 向德国人赠送礼品时,不宜选择刀、剑、剪、餐刀和餐叉。

    Gifts to the Germans , the inappropriate choice knife , sword , scissors , knife and fork .

  22. 汽车穿过篱墙,一如餐刀切黄油般爽利,然后马上向下跌落。

    The car went through the hedge like a knife through butter , and immediately began to fall .

  23. 我们的餐刀餐叉不如它们看上去那么贵重;它们是镀银的。

    Our knives and forks are not as valuable as they look ; they 've been plated with silver .

  24. 刀叉疏散无疑让西餐餐桌礼仪专家们酸心,而且如今餐叉的发卖额是餐刀的两倍。

    In a move that will leave etiquette experts in despair , forks are outselling knives by two to one .

  25. 许多人,已经是口里带着银调羹生下来的,还坚持要用餐刀吃东西。

    Lots of people insist on eating with a knife who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth .

  26. 山姆学会了用锋利的餐刀将奶酪和西红柿切片,然后给父母做三明治。

    Sam learned to cut cheese and slice a tomato with a sharp knife and then made sandwiches for his parents .

  27. 相同地,68%的人用右手使剪子,74%的用右手握餐刀。

    Similarly , 68 % use their right hand for scissors and 74 % hold a dinner knife in their right hands .

  28. 我们都会在阳光下打喷嚏;都喜欢用餐刀挑出番茄酱;

    Both of us had a habit of sneezing in bright sunlight and of drawing ketchup out of its bottle with a knife .

  29. 其中有各种餐具,如:餐刀、鱼叉、上菜叉、土豆匙和黄油刀。

    There are several of kinds of cutlery such as knife , fish spoon , serving fork , potato server and butter knives .

  30. 案板上有把餐刀,黄油涂在刀口右侧因为他惯用左手拿刀。

    There 's a knife on the breadboard with butter on the right side of the blade because he used it with his left .