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  • leadership style
  1. 领导风格和OCB与团队绩效关系的研究

    A Study of the Mechanism Within Leadership Style , Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Team Performance

  2. 基金管理公司太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)在“债券之王”比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)离职后,也迅速放弃了格罗斯的喜怒无常的领导风格,并推行一种注重理性、以团队为核心的市场营销策略。

    Fund manager Pimco quickly disassociated itself from " bond king " Bill Gross 's temperamental leadership style after his departure , with a marketing campaign that highlights a reasoned , team-centric approach .

  3. 该党需要一种不同的领导风格。

    The party needs a different kind of leadership

  4. 他的领导风格已经在他的拥趸中引起了越来越多的批评,很多人后来离开了总局。

    His style of leadership has attracted increasing criticism among his supporters , many of whom have since left Central Office .

  5. 去年9月,在硅谷丘吉尔俱乐部(AnnualChurchillClub)的年度评奖中,格罗夫因“启发性的领导风格”而受到表彰。

    Mr Grove was honoured last September for " inspirational leadership " at the Annual Churchill Club awards in Silicon Valley .

  6. 曼德拉坚韧的领导风格令许多人将他视为现代版的甘地(Gandhi)。

    His unwavering style of leadership has led many to regard him as a modern Gandhi .

  7. 在《PrimalLeadership》一书中,普及了“情商”概念的丹尼尔•戈尔曼(DanielGoleman)描述了六种不同的领导风格。

    In the book'Primal Leadership , 'Daniel Goleman , who popularized the notion of'Emotional Intelligence , 'describes six different styles of leadership .

  8. 其次,运用Logistic回归分析,对18个显著变量进行逐步回归,结果显示工资满意度、领导风格和晋升机会与人才有无流动意愿显著相关,且都是负相关,即工资满意度降低,流动可能性升高。

    Second , using logistic regression , this paper analyses the eighteen relevance factors , the result shows salary satisfaction , the style of leadership and the chance of promotion are negative correlation with mobility willing .

  9. Hershey和Blanchard为每一种追随者取向分别指出了一种有用的领导风格。

    For each of the four follower orientations , Hershey and Blanchard identify a different style of leadership as useful .

  10. 德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)低调而令人印象深刻的领导风格对现代德国的正面形象贡献良多。她将清楚地意识到德国面临的挑战。

    Chancellor Angela Merkel , whose quietly impressive leadership has contributed a lot to the positive image of modern Germany , will be well aware of the challenges that lie ahead .

  11. INFP的领导风格是灵敏的、温和的、间接的和涵盖他人的。

    The INFP leadership style is subtle , gentle , indirect , and inclusive of others .

  12. 他的执拗性格与马斯内执掌NAP时倡导的“共享激情”企业文化形成了鲜明对比,马斯内的巨大声望以及魅力型领导风格是NAP成功的法宝。

    His bullish attitude stood in stark contrast to the culture of shared passion engendered by Ms Massenet at Net-a-Porter , where her popularity and charismatic leadership style were considered integral to the company 's success .

  13. 尽管实现这一目标还要依赖除CEO领导风格外的很多东西,但如果一把手能把自己和其他同事视为同类,实现目标就会容易得多。

    Although achieving this depends on much more than just the leadership style of the CEO , it 's a lot easier to achieve when the top dog considers himself or herself to be cut from the same cloth as all the other colleagues .

  14. 今年6月份上任的公司首席执行官内维尔•尼古劳(NevilleNicolau)表示:我们目前的领导风格并不适合我们所处的环境和文化。

    Our current leadership style is not appropriate for the kind of culture and environment we operate in , says Neville Nicolau , who took over as chief executive officer in June .

  15. 我想我的领导风格是部署计划。

    I thinkmy leadership style is to lay out a plan .

  16. 领导风格对群体决策过程及结果的影响研究

    Effects of Leadership Style on Group Decision Making Process and Outcome

  17. 但一些土耳其人不赞同埃尔多安的控制领导风格。

    but some Turks disagree with Erdogan 's controlling leadership style .

  18. 变革型领导风格理论在20世纪80年代之后,日益得到广大研究者的关注。

    After 1980s , researchers gradually focused on transformational leadership theory .

  19. 不同的领导风格类型对员工的行为有很大的影响。

    The leadership style has great influence on employees ' behaviors .

  20. 领导风格,调节焦点和组织承诺关系研究

    The Study of Leadership Style , Regulatory Focus and Organizational Commitment

  21. 用定规和关怀两个维度来衡量领导风格。

    With regulatory and care to measure two-dimensional style of leadership .

  22. 心理安全感在领导风格、组织支持对沉默行为负向影响中所起中介作用比组织内信任所起的中介作用稍大。

    The intermediary effect of psychological safety is larger than organizational trust .

  23. 传统的“指挥与控制”领导风格正在被一种充分授权、相互协作的领导风格所取代。

    The old'command-and-control'style is being replaced with an empowering , collaborative style .

  24. 领导风格、工作压力与工作绩效关系研究

    Research on Relationship among Leadership Style , Job Stress and Job Performance

  25. 描述一次你不得不改变领导风格。

    Q escribe a time you had to alter your leadership style .

  26. 领导风格与领导绩效关系探索

    The Exploring Research about Leadership Style and Leadership Performance Relationship

  27. 组织氛围和领导风格因素对组织和谐存在显著影响。

    Organizational climate and leadership style had significant effect on organizational harmony .

  28. 他从事团队影响力以及领导风格的研究。

    He did research on group dynamics and leadership styles .

  29. 变革型领导风格对员工工作满意度影响研究

    Research on the Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Subordinate Job Satisfaction

  30. 这些领导风格也可以有其他命名

    Other names have also been used for these leadership styles