
lǐnɡ dǎo kē xué
  • leadership science
  1. 三个代表重要思想与领导科学创新

    Important Thinking of " Three Represents " and Innovation of Leadership Science

  2. 以改革创新精神推进我国领导科学发展

    To develop Leadership Science in Our Country with the Spirit of Innovation

  3. 当被问及让一位科学家领导科学部预计将产生什么影响的时候,Newman怀疑那会带来任何改变,他指出Herschkowitz缺乏政治经验。

    Asked about the expected impact of having a scientist leading the science ministry , Newman doubted there would be any change , noting Herschkowitz 's lack of experience in politics .

  4. 刍议领导科学与体育科技管理

    The Study on Leader Science with Sports Science and Technology Manage

  5. 提高领导科学发展促进社会和谐的能力

    Improving the Abilities to Lead Scientific Development and Promote Social Harmony

  6. 本文是对领导科学素质进行研究,注重对领导学其中的素质展开分析。

    The paper is research on quality of scientific leadership .

  7. 以改革创新精神提高领导科学发展的能力

    Improving the Capability of Developing Leadership Science Based on Reform and Innovation

  8. 从管理科学上看,决策就是管理;从领导科学上看,决策就是拍板,作决定;

    From management science aspect , policy making is a managing activity .

  9. 学习领导科学,提高管理水平

    Study science of leadership and raise level of management

  10. 领导科学孕育于管理科学之中,又不同于管理科学。

    Scientific leadership is emerged from scientific management , but different from it .

  11. 领导科学在部队管理教育中的运用

    Application of Leadership Sciences to Administration over Armed Forces

  12. 档案信息资源与领导科学决策

    Archival Information Resources and Leading Scientific Policy Decision

  13. 加强个体税收日常征管,为领导科学决策提供依据。

    Which stranger the levy of tax and supply information to the lead decision-making .

  14. 领导科学在团学关系中的运用

    The Use of Leadership Science in the Relation between the League and the Student Union

  15. 基于制度建设探讨高校院(系)领导科学决策机制

    Discussions on university 's institute ( department ) scientific leadership policy based on system construction

  16. 领导科学的行政运用&试论如何做好企业一把手

    The Science of Leadership in Administrative Work

  17. 地州市领导科学决策的原则和方法

    Principles and Methods of Scientific Decision

  18. 以“三个代表”重要思想指导领导科学学科建设

    Guiding to develop the discipline of leadership science with the important thought of " three representatives "

  19. 领导科学是一个新型而又蓬勃发展的学科群,是一个完整的学科理论体系,在这个体系中包含了许多分支学科。

    Police leading science is an important branch of leading science which is a new and vigorous systematic theory .

  20. 如果你身居高位,能够领导科学界,那么你应该尝试着去劝说那些发放研究经费的部门少招些博士生。

    If you are in a position of leadership in science then you should try to persuade the funding agencies to train fewer Ph.

  21. 远程教育资源信息是领导科学决策的重要依据,有力地推动各项工作的全面开展。

    Long-range education resource information is an important basis of making scientific decisions , which promotes effectively each work in an all-round way .

  22. 领导科学是近年来研究的热门领域,这个热点的产生有着丰富的现实根源和社会背景。

    The science of leadership is a hot research topic in recent years which stems out of rich reality origin and social background .

  23. 丰厚的退休待遇便对说服李远哲离开在柏克莱的舒适职位,回到亚洲承担领导科学院的挑战起了作用。

    A generous retirement package helped persuade Lee to leave his comfortable job in Berkeley and take on the challenge of leading research institutes .

  24. 领导科学是专门研究领导活动内在矛盾运动及其规律的一种科学的理论体系。

    Scientific leadership belongs to the scientific theory system , which study specially the intrinsic contradiction of leading activities and the law of its movement .

  25. 企业对产品的成本价格和获利机会相当重视,它可以为领导科学决策提供依据。

    Enterprise will pay quite attention to product cost-conservative price and profit-making chances , which is able to provide basis for authority 's scientific decision .

  26. 现代领导科学是以领导活动为研究对象,探索领导行为的一般规律,用以指导现实世界中的领导活动的学科。

    Modern Leadership Science is based on the activities and explores its general principle so as to direct the real activities in our daily life .

  27. 参谋型秘书掌握汇报工作的艺术,对提高汇报质量和有利于领导科学决策起着重要的作用。

    It is very important for the secretary to master the working arts of reports , improve the quality of his reports and help his leader make sound policies .

  28. 结合现代领导科学的理论基础,通过大量研究分析人类历史上众多领导者的领导思想与方法是展开领导科学研究的重要方式之一。

    Based on the theory of modern Leadership Science , analyzing a large number of leaders ' idea and method throughout the human history is the main research method .

  29. 从领导科学的视角,提出了加强防汛救灾行政指挥能力建设、促进行政指挥活动科学化的途径。

    From the angle of leadership science , the author presented the routes to strengthen administrative leadership construction and to promote scientific administrative command for flood control and disaster relief .

  30. 力求对领导科学素质基本内容做出全面准确的概括,在新时期对领导者应具备的领导科学素质实践进行论述。

    I strive to make comprehensive and accurate summary of the basic content of the quality of scientific leadership , and discuss what leadership the leader should possess in practice in the new era .