
lǐnɡ dǎo yuán zé
  • leadership principle
  1. 本书还适用于所有MBA及其管理课程,因为它能够帮助你将领导原则转换为工作中的实际操作。

    This book should be required reading in all MBA and management curricula because of its ability to translate leadership principles into actual practices that work !

  2. 集体领导原则与委员会制的内在冲突

    Conflicts between the Principles of Collective Leadership and the System of Committee

  3. 体现质量和环境政策和领导原则。

    Acts to exemplify the quality and environmental policies and leadership principles .

  4. 试着运用了这种领导原则,我尊重我的团队,他们也很尊重我。

    I tried to apply that same principle of leadership which is that you respect your team , and you earn their respect in return .

  5. 三是乡镇政府与农民在政府依法行政事务上的管理和被管理关系。第一重关系体现党的领导原则,第二重关系体现村民自治原则,第三重关系体现依法行政原则。

    The first relation reflects the guiding principle of the Communist Party while the second embodies the principle of villagers ' autonomy and the third expresses the principle of administration by law .

  6. 无论你是只负责某个部门、某个规模不小的公司的分部还是某个富可敌国的跨国公司,引导你作出决定的领导原则都应是相似的。

    Whether you 're running a department , a large corporate division , or a multinational with a market cap , the leadership principles that guide your decisions are much the same .

  7. 加强对权力的制约和监督,必须以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持人民当家作主原则、权力制衡原则、依法治权原则以及党的领导原则。

    Intensifying the restriction and supervision of power must persist in popular sovereignty principle , power sharing principle , nomocracy principle and Party 's leadership under the guidance of the important thought on " Three Represents " .

  8. 高校共青团工作应坚持党的领导原则、服务学生成才原则、制度化建设原则、党建带团建原则;

    This essay introduces the four principles that must be upholded in the League 's work in tertiary colleges : the leadership of the Communist Party , the service of young students ' self-fulfilment , the building of institutionalization and promoting League building by Party building .

  9. 分析了无产阶级政党的产生过程及组织形态特点,阐述了委员会这种组织形式的适用范围,透视用委员会制管理国家事务与集体领导原则之间的内在冲突。

    The paper starts with a description of the establishment and the characteristics of a proletarian party , illustrates the right sphere of the committee system , and reveals the conflicts between the committee system adopted in governance of the state affairs and the principles of collective leadership .

  10. 对策包括建章立制,规范管理、落实领导挂帅的原则、做好实施前期准备、ERP选型策略和进行有力的业务流程重组。

    The countermeasures proposed include : establishing rules and systems , standardizing management , the leaders take part in the implementation , preparation before implementation , ERP software selection strategy and an efficient business process reengineering .

  11. 基于绩效评价领导干部的原则与方法

    The Principles and Methods to Evaluate Leaders Based on Performance

  12. 我国国家行政管理有以下几个基本原则:1、党领导行政管理原则。

    China 's State administration has the following basic principles : 1 , the party leadership management principle .

  13. 加强思想政治建设,坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则和人民军队的根本宗旨。

    We will strengthen their ideological and political standards , and adhere to the fundamental principle of the Party having absolute leadership over the armed forces , and we should maintain the Chinese armed forces ' fundamental purpose of being an army of the people .

  14. 放弃自己的效忠对象、职责、领导、理想或者原则。

    Deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle .

  15. 德才兼备是我们党选拔领导干部的一贯原则,进入新时期,选拔干部更加注重了对德的要求。

    We select leading cadres always on the basis of their moral and competency .

  16. 地州市领导科学决策的原则和方法

    Principles and Methods of Scientific Decision

  17. 只要领导上不犯原则错误,一般的山岳地带,总是能够打破围攻和坚持根据地的。

    So long as the leaders do not blunder in matters of principle , it is generally possible to smash the converging attacks and hold on to the base areas in the mountainous regions .

  18. 道德领导理论是针对教育领导者加强道德素养的教育管理理论,它从批判传统的学校管理与领导模式出发,启示学校领导者应该以道德和价值观为领导原则和领导权威来进行领导实践。

    Moral leadership theory starts from the criticism on the traditional middle of school management and leadership . This inspires that the leaders in the school should base on the principle of moral and value and the leader authority when they doing practice .