
  • 网络leadership development
  1. 然而,当2009年7月EMBA开课时,德沃-史密斯在工程集团罗伯特•博世(RobertBosch)旗下的美国金融领导力开发项目中获得了一个位置。

    However , when the programme began in July 2009 , DeVault-Smith had secured a place on engineering group Robert Bosch 's finance leadership development programme in the US .

  2. 市场营销公司Acosta领导力开发项目面试题。

    Acosta ( Leadership Development Program Associate )

  3. 哈佛商学院实际新增课程称为“FIELD”(FieldImmersionExperiencesforLeadershipDevelopment)(实地浸入式体验的领导力开发)。

    The new practical addition to HBS 's curriculum is known as " FIELD " ( Field Immersion Experiences for Leadership Development ) .

  4. 从经验中学习的领导力开发途径探析

    On Learning from Experience as an Approach of Leadership Development

  5. 领导力开发支撑体系对领导力开发有正向影响。

    Besides , the leadership development support system has positive influence on leadership development .

  6. 你可能有机会参加免费的网上或面对面的领导力开发课程。

    You may have the opportunity to take leadership-development courses online or in-person for free .

  7. 企业领导力开发实施中,有效性是各企业关注的核心问题。

    During the leadership development process , effectiveness is a core issue of common concern to enterprises .

  8. 没人能做出肯定回答,因为领导力开发的好处要经过很长一段时间才能显现。

    No one can say for sure ; much of the payoff from leadership development is far down the road .

  9. 面对复杂、多变的内外部环境,领导力开发成为各企业共同的选择。

    Leadership development has become a common choice for all enterprises to seek growth in the complicated and ever-changing internal and external environments .

  10. 但是从国内多家咨询机构和媒体了解到,国内企业在实施领导力开发的效果并不显著。

    However , we know from many consultation institutions and the media that effects of implementing leadership development in domestic enterprises are not yet outstanding .

  11. 许多公司认为,这些短期海外项目能帮助他们应对日益全球化的工作环境,但领导力开发专家的看法却莫衷一是。

    Many companies argue that these short-term projects abroad help them respond to the demands of an increasingly global work environment , but leadership development experts have given mixed reviews to this approach .

  12. 在西方组织行为学中应用最为广泛且效果最为显著的人力管理项目:领导力开发,近年来在国内受到越来越多企业的重视。

    In western organization behaviour the most widely used and most significant human resources management project , leadership development , in recent years has been emphasized by more and more enterprises of China .

  13. 第二章是英国公共部门领导力开发的案例分析,通过对英国国家医疗服务系统苏格兰分部的一个案例分析,以小见大对公共部门的领导力开发进行分析和探讨。

    The second chapter is the case study of the UK public sector leadership development through the analysis of a case of the Scottish Division of the British National Health Service ( NHS ) .

  14. 这些分析均体现了企业领导力开发活动的系统性,即企业有效的领导力开发应体现为一个整合各相关要素的系统。

    To sum up , these analyses all highlight the importance of systematic enterprise leadership development activities . That is to say , effective enterprise leadership development requires a system that integrates all relevant elements .

  15. 因此,如何在新形势下推进大学生志愿服务到一个新的水平,对大学生领导力开发和发展,具有较强的理论和实践意义,并提出了一些建设性的参考方法。

    To sum up , to the college students for leadership development research has a strong theoretical and practical significance , and the new period how to advance our country university students volunteer service to a new level , this paper puts forward some constructive , reference implementation way .

  16. 但是,多数培训着眼于基础技能,而非领导力的开发。

    But much of the training aims at basic skills rather than leadership development .

  17. 因此,领导力的开发与培养在经济转型与变革的时代中更突显重要价值。

    Therefore , leadership development and training in the era of economic transformation and social change show more important value .

  18. 基于领导力的开发和公司管理能力的提高,推行高层管理或关键人员的继任计划管理。

    Based on the exploiture of leadership and the advancement of management competence , SD Company will push the high level management or key staff continually to plan and manage .

  19. 同时,文章也论述了如何建立领导力资质模型,以及领导力评估和开发的具体方法。

    Further more , this thesis addresses how to construct the leadership model and the approaches for leadership evaluation and development as well .

  20. 对具体公司的领导力的提升方法进行了系统分析和总结,为其他企业进行领导力的开发、提升提供了可资借鉴的经验和思路。

    It analyses and summaries the methods of promoting the leadership , also offers some more valuable experience and inspiration for training the leadership in other enterprises .