
  1. 非洲科学院的执行主任StephenAgong说,入境签证的问题是非洲科学家进行科研合作的一个“主要瓶颈”。

    Stephen Agong , executive director of the African Academy of Sciences , said the issue of entry visas was a " major bottleneck " for research collaboration between African scientists .

  2. 非洲科学院的院长MohamedH.A.Hassan在《科学》杂志的这篇社论中说,科学技术的合作将有助于培育国家之间的融合。

    Mohamed H.A.Hassan , president of the African Academy of Sciences , argues in this Science editorial that collaboration in science and technology ( S & T ) will help foster cross-national integration .

  3. 其中一个项目是聚集非洲各国科学院的专家来发展出更好的对付风湿热的手段,通过鼓励更广泛的治疗来争取消灭这种病。

    One project will gather experts from African science academies to develop better ways of diagnosing rheumatic fever , and to push for the disease 's elimination by encouraging more widespread treatment .